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About Us

If you're new to this site, you probably want to know just exactly who we are. Basically, we're Burlington's best kept secret. Let's start with what Civitan really is. The Civitan International Research Centre, located in Birmingham, Alabama, helps the intelectually handicapped. Their research helps those who are disabled, both physically and intelectually, all over the world.

Now, about our club. There are actually hundreds of clubs just like us all over the United States and Canada. Our main goal is to raise money for the Civitan International Research Centre, but we also help out our community in many different ways. For example, we help run blood donor clinics, visit retirement homes, and various fund raising events like dances and ribbons for the New York disaster Relief Fund. We also do little things on a more personal basis, like rake leaves or cut someone's grass who are unable to do so themselves. Like we said earlier, we are Burlington's best kept secret. But since you now know about us, you can be part of the action too. We are a fun and exciting way to get your community service hours for high school. Plus, we have a lot of fun like doing things together as a club. Anyone, ages 12-19, from any secondary or elementary school can join. Check our Main Page for when our meetings are, or check our Upcoming Events for when we have an information night on Burlington Junior Civitan.