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Hey guys, this is "TOO PSYCHO" Don't have a lot to say, You all pretty much know me already. Or I am just too shy to share myself with you. Yeah, that could be it. So, if you wanna get to know me, just come talk to me. I don't bite. Not too hard anyway. I am usually kinda quiet, pretty nice most of the time. Did I hear someone say flirt? Who me? Never! I wouldn't do such a thing *L* I am easy to get along with, and If I can be of any help, let me know. I am a very good listener. If I don't have any advice, I may keep my mouth shut, but my ears will always be open. I have lived in North Dakota all my life. I don't mind being single one bit, although it gets a bit lonely at times. I really don't want to get into my personal side, so I will stick to things on the surface. My friends like my artwork, I draw and paint. I have also had an interest in photography (maybe it's just the shots that I have had the pleasure of taking) *L* But on a serious note, I am artistic, I love that sort of thing. I can play a little guitar. Don't hold your breath, I only know some heavy metal songs. Another interest, I wish I had the opportunity to persue, was psychology. I love mysteries. The mind has so much for you to look into, and still leave you confused no matter how deeply you look into it. Other mysteries that I have grown to enjoy are the Northern Lights, thunderstorms, lightning. So bold, fierce, uncontrollable. Very mysterious. And the rain! *S* How about making...... *L* Nah, we won't get into that. I really don't like talking about myself, so I am letting myself off the hook, from the help of a suggestion from the woman who is wonderful, Steph, *grins* and letting some of my friends drop a few lines about me. So here it is. I am not responsible for their kind or Nasty words *S*


Dancer "You are one of the most sweetest guys I have met on line. You are definitely one of the cutest. And you are a very good friend to have even though you don't talk on your mic in MPlayer."

Emerson"Too Psycho is so sweet ... and all the girls love him to pieces ... hard guy to get alone" *s*

BiggerDude"G'day...a pint of Guinness thanks"

Josephine"Mark... A friend to treasure forever. One of the warmest, sweetest, most caring and loving individuals you will ever meet!!!! He has a heart of gold and the most forgiving nature of ANYONE I know. A man of many talents, just needs the time and freedom to explore them. A very passionate person... also tends to have a passion for beer and pizza!!!*L*

Stephie "He's caring, thoughtful, imaginative (god I love that imagination *grins*) very flirty too, always has a warm hug right when you need it .. sexy ..*grins* .. full of spirit..

Destiny"Mark... God broke the mold when he made you *LOL*. You are such a sweetie (when ya wanna be). You have a big caring heart that's not afraid to show. With our little group of friends that is a wonderful quality. You are such a cutie (don't let the ego go crazy). We have been friends for a long time.. I hope that never changes. Love, Linda

HawaiiGirl"Think of Someone Special...When I think of special people, who have brought me so such joy. Who have helped to make my life the best that it could be. When I think of special people, then my thoughts are filled with love and I wish them all the happy things, they might be dreaming of. I feel lucky just know them, and I think you should know too, when I think of special people, I will always think of you." Love you always, Dana

KolorMeKute"Hey Too Pyscho, don't know what to say, words from me is like learning words from Hook on Phonics, Personally I'm hate english so I write in my own ways heck I call it DealWithItish, so keep up the page looking good, hey tell me something did the itch go away? Just wondering *cough @ ph* anway just wanted to give you a shout out that's all nothing big . . . Take Care Big Bro . . . *cough @ itch*
Carolina "hmmm...mark....he is fine... sweet... fine... funny... fine... hilarious... fine.... fine.... um....dont know him THAT well but i do know that he is FINE...i know that much....and i also know he is only 2 years older than me *hint hint* *EG* *S* well thats about all i can really say....see ya! *hugz*

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Some artwork

Here's what I think of my friends *evil grin*

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Aren't these two Just adorable? (dog and cat)

Two goofballs *L*

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