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Define the word

At my high school we have a Bible Club. We meet every Wed. from 3-4pm. Lately some of us have decided to wear signs with religous phrases on them. And guess what happened? School officials tried to suspend 3 of them, others were told to remove the signs. Why? There is nothing in the hand book about wearing small signs. I encourage all Christians out there to wear Christian t-shirts to your schools, make and wear small signs praising the Lord. Have prayer in the morning at your school, and start up a Bible club. Bring God back into our schools so that future generations can praise his name!!!! We are currently doing the following activities..... Adopt-a-Soldier-sending items to our troops in Iraq Blankets of love- sending blankets to people in Sudan Action Packs- sending clothes to the middle east If you would like to do the Blankets of Love or Action Pack, go to and find the information there. Please e-mail me with your comments. God Bless!!

Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Some sites to visit

A inspirational site
Voice of the Martyr's website
Belief net
WOW2002 website
