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Justice for Clyde Williamson

I am writing to you with hopes that you can help my husband receive justice. I have exhausted every avenue trying to get someone to listen to me about what has happened to us in our N.C. judicial system. I have contacted the Sheriff's department, the State and U.S. Attorney Generals office, along with the FBI, CIA and BATF. I have even gone as far as writing to the governor, congressmen, senators and even President Bush, all to no avail.

Our nightmare began in the spring of 1995, when my husband and I decided to build a house in the mountains outside of Sylva, North Carolina (NC), and move from Florida. My husband, Clyde E. Williamson, took pity on a local man named William (Bill) Ross Beaty and hired him to help build our home. The Beaty's were in need and they worked out an exchange where my husband paid all their bills, bought groceries and supplied transportation and the Beaty's would work it off. When the Beaty's neighbors, the Cecero's, got in a jam, again it was my husband to the rescue. He gave Mr. Cecero a job.

What my husband didn’t realize was that both the Beaty’s and the Cecero’s were heavily involved with drugs and alcohol, and were sexually abusing their children. Mr. Beaty was arrested for HUD fraud and my husband was the only one who could have testified to that fact. He was never approached. Instead, the Sheriff's department started harassing him. My husband was arrested at first for not having a NC driver's license, which was not an offense because he was a Florida resident at the time.

He was released, but just days later he was arrested again and now for not having an NC driver's license or tags. When my husband again produced proof of legal license and tags, Sheriff J. Cruzan, started cussing my husband. My husband's only mistake was talking back to Sheriff Cruzan.

In 1998, Mr. Beaty's HUD fraud charges were suddenly dropped, and about the same time my husband realized how bad things were in both households. That is the booze, sex and drugs with the children. So he did his civic duty according to NC law and reported the problems to DSS (Department of Social Services) and the Sheriff's department and when nothing was done, recruited the aid of the Police Chief Jamerson. It was all to no avail.

When the Beaty's and Cecero's found out what he had done, they framed my husband for sexual abuse of minors. Shortly after the arrest, Mr. Beaty left the state. He had stolen our gun collection and tried to sell them before leaving town. The day he left, he took one of our credit cards and charged a U-Haul van on it and his wife boldly signed her name to it. He then loaded up most of our valuables, collections, antiques, tools, guns and used another one of our credit cards to move his family to Troy Ohio.

With all the evidence I have against these people and the charges I made with the Sheriff's department, no one is looking for him and I can not get any help. This man has a history of making false charges against people and also got into trouble in several other states.

Despite the evidence I have and the constant requests to the Sheriff's department, nothing was done against this man and his family. Why? I think the reason is that they made a deal with this known criminal for my husband. The Sheriff had a personal issue with him and he wanted him gone and he accomplished his deed. He did not care if he ruined an innocent man's life.

My husband's trial was a farce. His defense attorney was the state's best witness. When my husband finally realized that Mr. Jenkins was not preparing a proper defense, he tried to change attorneys, which the judge denied.

The DA in this case did everything to block his defense. He was not allowed to bring out anything that could have put this case in to a proper perspective.

Witnesses were not allowed to testify to all they knew and one was questioned on the stand without the jury present and then dismissed. Others were not even called. Evidence that was denied by the judge since it did not come from our facilities, but from the owner itself, Bill Beaty, showed up on the evidence table in front of the jury. I will gladly provide all the transcripts from the trial and all other documents I have.

As a matter of fact, he was not allowed to see the search warrant or his arrest warrant. Things showed up as evidence that did not show on the search warrant. The list of items taken was generalized, not itemized. The entire search was not illegal. My husband was lured from the premises so items could be planted as evidence. Then, he was not allowed to go back home.

This was not even "Boss Hogg justice." This is what happens more and more in this country. None of us are safe anymore. Any one of us could be arrested at any time for something we did not do. Is this still the country we love? It seems more and like Hitler's Germany. Our rights are being taken from us little by little. Our justice system does not work any more and our officials are over taking their power. We have no more protection. It has to be restored somehow.

There are too many discrepancies in the reports between the Sheriff's department, DSS handwritten report differs from the typewritten report and the testimony on the witness stand. They just don’t match. It shows perjury, deliberate changing of records and suppressing parts of the records that chow that my husband was the one that did the reporting.

Why would a man take a chance on reporting child abuse when he is committing it himself? That is ridiculous. That is why that portion of the records was suppressed. That would have put a different light on the entire proceedings.

The defense attorney did nothing to defend my husband and he had all the evidence to show that he was not guilty. Anything and everything that could have shown in the least bit, that the state’s witnesses perjured themselves, was not allowed.

There was tampering of witnesses by the state and deliberate misleading of the jury. The DA committed grand standing. She was talking about pornography, waving a magazine round and a tape, neither was ever shown or played in court. How do we know that that was really pornography, just because the jacket ofthe tape said so? My husband never owned pornography. In comes, on cue, several people carrying sealed boxes that were place behind the DA’s desk on chairs in plain view of the jury indicating they were full of porn tapes. The boxes were never opened.

At the end of the trial, after the sentencing, my husband asked if he could say good bye to me, and the sheriff personally handcuffed him and berated him in front of witnesses saying "this is personal with me".

I have four file cabinets full of evidence and materials to prove his innocence, yet not one person seems to care. Now I have been warned several times, by different people, that if I do get him out of prison, I will have to get him out of state, otherwise the embarrassed officials around here will have him killed. The only way I can possibly stop this threat is to make sure that this entire story is widely publicized.

This is our home now and all we wanted is to live our lives out in peace, up here in the mountains, away from everybody, living off the land. Our entire lives have been ruined because of revenge, personal issues and greed. I am humbly asking for your assistance in our search for justice.

Finding justice for my husband is my priority, but Justice needs to be restored for all us citizens in this country. These people need to be made responsible for their own actions. When that happens we will be on our way back to the type of justice we should be getting. Innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent. We need justice for all, not for just the few that have enough money to hire the best attorneys.

We need good investigations, instead of railroading jobs. The way things are now is, if you insult some one, step on some ones toes or make some one angry, you could wind up in prison. You don’t have to do anything wrong. That is what happened to my husband and I can prove that he did not commit a crime. Please help us.

Clyde E. Williamson, PO Box 2405, Marion, NC 28752


Christa Williamson, PO Box 1921, Sylva, NC 28779
