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Tutorial Four - Installing Plug Ins

In tutorial we will learn:

What are plug ins?


Where do I find them?


First Step - Important


Getting a Plug in


How do I install them?


How do I use them?


What are plug ins?
Plug ins are add ons for PSP that enable you to create effects that PSP is not able to do, or to enhance some of PSP's own abilities. They are invaluable when creating stationery.

Where I do find them?
There are literally hundreds of plug ins that will operate within PSP. A google search for "plug ins for PSP" will reveal many sites that offer free plug ins. There are also many commonly used that are paid for versions also. I will try to only use free plugins for tutorials here. They will be available from the website with the tutorial, or via URL to the original site.

First you will most likely need some extra files for your system,  (these are Windows files, not PSP files) to enable most of these plug ins to work. These two files are available from the website HERE  


The two files are:

The newest in plugin dll's.. the 4th one for helping some that are made for
Adobe to kick in! Put this in your Windows/Systems folder. If you have
XP  Put it in your Windows/Systems32 folder instead!  You might need to reboot
for it to kick in!
The 3 dll's that you need to have to make your 8bf Plugins work. Put them
in your Windows/Systems folder. If you have XP? Put them in your
Windows/Systems32 folder instead! You might need to reboot for them to kick


You will need a zip program to unzip these two archives.  I use IZarc which you can get HERE (it's free and very easy to use)



Getting a Plug In
The plug in you will use for our next tutorial is Mehdi Seamless Border and you can download it from the website HERE 

How Do I Install them?
Some plugins need to be put in the Jasc Software folder under Plugins, but MOST can be placed in any folder of your choice, BUT you must tell PSP where to find them.  I always try to place them in a folder outside PSP FIRST, if they don't work, I then move them to the PSP Plugins folder.
I prefer to have my plugins in a separate folder so that PSP does not automatically load them all when I start the program. If they are all placed in the plugin folder in PSP itself, the program will become slow and sluggish to open while it opens all the necessary files. So it's my preference to keep plug ins in a folder outside PSP.
Where you place this folder is up to you, but remember where you put it because you will need to tell PSP where it is. Getting some organisation into the plug ins folder at this stage, will save you searching through what will (I know from experience) become a HUGE collection of plug ins later on!
So, having chosen your folder, if the plug in you are downloading is zipped (most are) I usually put the zip file into the folder I am going to unzip into. Then I extract the files there. This way you always know where those filters are. You could name the folder by the maker of the plug in if you like. This makes it easy to locate them later.  This is up to you totally.
(NOTE: If you use the zip program I prefer  it has a lovely option to "unzip here" making this process very easy)
OK now write down where the folder is that you have just unzipped the filter to.

Open PSP
We are going to tell PSP where you have just put the filters, like this:
This screen opens
Check that your settings are the same as I have here. This is not the ONLY configuration possible, but if we all have them set the same, it's easier to describe what to do, and for trouble shooting.
Click the ADD button and browse to the folder you just created and unzipped your plug in to:
Highlight the folder
Then click OK, your folder now appears in the list of available plugin folders
Click OK again to close the window
Open a graphic in PSP, Shift D to duplicate it, close the original
Select Effects like this
You won't see all the stuff I have here, don't worry, just locate the one you just put in.
If you had just installed the Seamless Border Plug In for instance, you will find it under Mehdi like this: (again yours won't look the same as this you will most likely only have one set of filters not three like I have here)

Congratulations!! You have just installed your first Plug In!!

When we use plug ins in tutorials, I will include instructions for using them, so don't worry about that part right now. Any plugins we use for tutorials I will make available on the website, or supply a URL for you to download them.


Tutorial by Tzeriah exclusively for the Wendy's Works PSP Classes. Any resemblance to other tutorials is purely coincidental and not intended. Tutorials are copyright to Tzeriah.

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