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" These days, I often wonder what those 296,000 light years of travel was all about. All those brave men who gave their lives surely didn't do so to create such a selfish and ungrateful world!"  Kodai Susumu from Yamato in the name of love.



On this page I have some Quotes. (Taken from the Japanese version.)  These quotes are taken from the 5 movies and are listed in order.     Click to enlarge all Images.



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Mamouro Kodai

Our duty as men is to fight, fight ,fight , and die taking them with us!


Captain Juzo Okita

296,000 light years may mean the last of me but this voyage to Iscandar is worth risking my life for.

Much rests on the result of this battle!

Earth.... You bring so many fond memories!


Susumu Kodai

We were wrong to have fought them. We should have shown them that we cared!

Victory tastes like ashes...



Deputy, I am fighting battle! Don’t interrupt me with drinks at the height of my pleasure!

One’s fate and happiness lies in one’s own hand.




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Susumu Kodai

Yamato is still capable of saving Earth.

These days, I often wonder what those 296,000 light years of travel was all about. All those brave men who gave their lives surely didn't do so to create such a selfish and ungrateful world!

There must be peace in the entire universe, not just Earth. And Yamato is the epitome of that peace. Didn't we risk our lives in battle aboard Yamato?

You're wrong! Absolutely wrong! All who are born of this universe must be equal! Truth and love underlie all things in this universe! You're wrong!! Your way destroys all peace and freedom.

Life is the final weapon with which to go to against tyranny. Most would agree that bare hands and death will not lead to victory.


Juzo Okita (Spirit)

I would agree also. But listen to me, Kodai. Even in such conditions a man must meet the challenge! Only then will the impossible become possible.

Kodai, you still have life on your side! Your duty is to use life of Yamato to the fullest! You must fight to your death!

Sometimes, life can be harder than choosing death. But as long as there is life, it is important to live, live and keep on living



I, Desslar, was supreme ruler of Gamilus. I will not suffer such defeat ever again!

Crew of Yamato. How delightful to see you again!

Finally, I can redeem my honor and die...

Good try, Yamato. But not one of you will leave alive!

I am all that's left of the great Gamilus.

I've been waiting for you, little boy from yamato.

 Yamato is a great ship. Captain Okita was a great commander. But humiliation burnt deeply within me. Destroying Yamato became my only reason for living.  And you have become my arch foe. And a worthy foe you've become.

 All I wanted was the restoration of Gamilus and revenge on Yamato. Even the White Comet and bearing the humiliation that went with it. But I'm content.... I fought well....My battles have come to an end.

Please tell the crew of Yamato that I though I was with the White Comet Empire, I am closer to all of you in spirit! Kodai, it's all in your hands now.

Concentrate....! The future of Earth and its people rests on this one shot!


Zoh-da Emperor of Gatlantis (The WHITE COMET EMPIRE)

Nice try, Yamato. You've exceeded my expectations. But I'm sure you've used up all your energy. What next, Yamato?

Now do you understand? I am the absolute ruler of the entire universe! All living beings are my subjects! The entire universe is under my command! My word is law! Therefore, Earth too is mine to do with as I please!


Daisuke Shima

Susumu... this is where the real battle begins...all on Earth are counting on you...Defeat them ...please...! I

I've always thought of you as a brother. You know, you'll be a great captain!




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Susumu Kodai

I could see Earth rebuilding from my hospital window. Earth has strength to recover again.


Shiro Sanada

Tokugawa! You're father would cry!


Misc. Cast Members

Idiot! You've stalled her! That's the emergency stop! What did they teach you at Cadet school?

Sir, we're also crew of Yamato. We trust you with our lives.


Soto Desslar

Stasha,,,I've never forgotten you. you are the one I miss most, Stasha.

How dare they desecrate our mother planet!

Gurrum - Gamilus,,,our mother planet is no more,,,

It was fated to be destroyed. But I didn't expect such a cruel ending,,,,I didn't know such a day would come so soon.

Kodai! Fire, now! NOW's your chance. Fire!,,, It's Gorba's only weak spot,,, What are you waiting for!        Fire now!

Don't worry. One day I'll find my planet. No matter how long it takes,,,




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Doctor Sakezo Sado

Captain Okita! Look what's happened to Earth! Never thought I'd live to see the day. Captain, nothing can be done! (Speaking with Juzo Okitas Statue)


Commander Todo

Frightened of Yamato, are you? Scared of a single battleship, are you? Right! You know as well as we do that Yamato will save Earth! We're not beaten yet!  We still haven't surrendered .....  Go find Yamato yourself!


Susumu Kodai

It's so strange. Now that she is not here. I realize how much I need her.

What history? We're alive now. We have a right to live our own lives. To find even the smallest possibility. We must do our best as human beings!



Is there's no room for me in your heart,,,,dear uncle?

If you care about me, leave! Please, Uncle,,,

Unless you fire now, you can't save Earth. I knew all along. Uncle, I'm happy to die this way!

No, the blame does not fall on you. You know what a crime it is to kill. The shedding of blood is a terrible thing. Now you understand a little, but in time this will accumulate. And from that, mankind will learn to value life.

Don't worry about me. Look at all that you've done for me. My life was short, but happy.  You were the one's who taught me happiness.   (To Sanada) Father, thank you for taking care of me. You were so good to me.   I think Earth is the most beautiful planet in space. Because of the trust people have for each other.   You should treasure that and make it last forever. Then I wouldn't have lost my life in vain. Now, I can go,,,and join my Mother and Father.

Farewell Yamato, and to all the crew.   Farewell, Susumu Kodai my handsome young uncle.


Lieutenant Alphon (Black Sun Empire Intelligence Officer)

What a beautiful woman you are. Do all Earth people have so much love in them? You plan to kill yourself, don't you?  After I tell you the secret of the bomb,,,you plan to tell the partisans then kill yourself!

You don't have to tell me. I know. The man Susumu fills your heart. You believe he's still alive. And that he'll fight to the end for Earth!


Yuki Mori

I must know the secret of the bomb. I'll do anything,,,Even go to hell!


Shiro Sanada

Get out, I'll do it!,,,Kodai, you're a good man. She's not of my blood, but I adopted Sashsa. I was her father for a year,,,Think how hard it is for me!



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Lugarl DeZahl

 Any obstacle is our enemy! Destroy it with the hyper-radiation missile!


Shiro Sanada

Science does not always obey the laws of common sense.

Kodai, you resigned, didn't you? We understand. But Yamato and all of us will miss you.


Susumu Kodai

Yamato, I've said farewell to you. But I realize now that I'm not the same without you!

Yamato, you're going to take off again! I may be unfit as captain... but Yamato, I want to go, too. I'll be just a deckhand. Let me defend Earth again with you!

You have the blood of Earth people? You call yourself a human?   (After the Dengali leader murders his own son.)

Listen everyone! Nobody wants to destroy Yamato! Nobody wants to loose Yamato. The Captain, myself,,,  I,...most of all!   However,..what if Yamato survives and Earth is destroyed?  If this is the only way to save Earth,.. Yamato will willingly choose to do so.  Isn't that what Yamato would want?      Even though it would break our hearts!


Soto Desslar

I wanted to thank you for what you did for me. Looks like I got there in time. I know your situation. I'll take care of the enemy for you.


Daisuke Shima

Captain! Let me do it, please. It's already,,,

Yamato is the best. I feel as safe as a child in my mother's arms.

Kodai,,, make Yuki happy. If you,,, hurt Yuki, I'll never forgive you. Both of you,,, be happy. You own it to me. OK?


Juzo Okita

But Commander, I haven't given up yet.,,,I honestly don't know what I can do. But I won't despair. Not  while I have Yamato and the crew.

You have been a long and faithful friend, Yamato. I would've liked to take you to the bottom of the sea on Earth. But that seems impossible now. Please forgive me, Yamato.

Dear Earth,,, please look after those children. Dear Yamato,,, let's go to the place where old soldiers wait,.. who died in battles to save those on Earth.