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The Unicorn Society


Welcome the the Unicorn Society's webpage. This is the starting point for the magick adventures that await you. The Unicorn Society is not just a educational group but also a social group. The focus is learning Elemental magick and forming bonds among the members. The Unicorn Society meets multiple times through out the month for various magickal purposes. The Sacred Mist dosen't currently have an official meeting hall. Unicorn Society meetings and gatherings are held in a variety of natural setting in state parks and at the private residences of the Faey Guide and other members. The Sacred Mist is not a church and there is no intention of developing the Sacred Mist into a non-profit religious orginazation. The ultimate objective of the Sacred Mist is to teach and practice Elemental magick and ceremonial witchcraft. There are many orginazations that concern themselves with the spiritual/religous aspects of Wicca. If this is your objective in joining a magickal group the Sacred Mist Faery Guide certainly understands and will assist you in finding the right group for you. If your objective is to learn and practice Elemental magick and witchcraft then the Sacred Mist may be the right place for you.The application process is designed to make these determinations and help you find your place in the ever evolving magickal culture of the twenty first century.
