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Gate Keeper's Awesome Homepage Web Site

Click for Shelby, North Carolina Forecast

Welcome to my little spot on the web. People call me Gate Keeper, well most of the time. I've been called worse.

Anyway, I live in a small town in North Carolina called Belwood. It's so small we don't even have a post office! We have to share with one of the neighboring towns.

I've done lots of things in the short 36 years that I've been around. Traveled to almost every state in the USA, been in the Army, jumped out of planes, flown choppers, chased tornados, etc.

In my spare time I collect classic cars, raise tropical fish, build computers, race cars, run a pirate radio station, run a BBS, design web sites, surf the web and play EverQuest.

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Last updated: August 4, 20030

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