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ST 512 – Spring 2003

Experimental Statistics for the Biological Sciences II



Virtual Office Hours:  Monday thru Friday:  1:30 – 3:00


     Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach

        Steele, Torrie, & Dickey – REQUIRED


     Applied Linear Statistical Models

        Neter, Kutner, Nachtsheim, & Wasserman – OPTIONAL







   Quiz 1 – Regression

February 5


   Quiz 2 – Multiple Regression & ANOVA

March 19


   Quiz 3 – ANOVA – Part 2

April 23


Lab / Homework Assigments

See Below


Final Exam – Take Home

Due May 5






Lab / Homework:

Homework will be assigned approximately weekly and will reinforce the concepts from the lectures as well as the concepts covered in lab. 


You will be allowed to drop your lowest homework grade.  No late homework will be accepted.  No makeup quizzes will be given.  If you miss a quiz, your other quizzes will be weighted more heavily.  You will be allowed to bring one sheet of notebook paper with you to each quiz.  Otherwise, the quizzes will be closed book and closed notes.


Tentative Outline:


Week of


Jan. 13         Review Simple Linear Regression

Jan. 20        Regression Diagnostics and Remedial Measures

Jan. 27        Matrices and Matrix Formulation for Regression

Feb. 3                   Multiple Regression

          *** Feb. 5 – Quiz 1 ***


Feb. 10        Multiple Regression

Feb. 17        Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Feb. 24        Contrasts

Mar. 3         Latin Squares, Subsamples

Mar. 10        Spring Break

          *** Mar. 19 – Quiz 2 ***


Mar. 17        2x2 Factorials – Introduction

Mar. 24       2x2 Factorials – Other Analyses

Mar. 31        Higher Order Factorials

Apr. 7                   Split Plots

Apr. 14        Easter Break

Apr. 23        Analysis of Covariance

          *** Apr. 23 – Quiz 3 ***

          *** Apr. 23 – Final Exam will be distributed ***