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                                          The SAS System       21:14 Thursday, January 23, 2003   1


 Obs Region                    Product Subsidiary   Stores        Sales    Inventory      Returns


   1 Africa                     Boot   Addis Ababa    12        $29,761     $191,821         $769

   2 Africa                     Boot   Algiers        21        $21,297      $73,737         $710

   3 Africa                     Boot   Cairo          20         $4,846      $18,965         $229

   4 Africa                     Boot   Johannesburg   14         $8,365      $33,011         $483

   5 Africa                     Boot   Khartoum       24        $19,282     $105,370         $700

   6 Africa                     Boot   Kinshasa       16        $13,921      $70,736         $553

   7 Africa                     Boot   Luanda          8         $6,081      $51,572         $325

   8 Africa                     Boot   Nairobi        25        $16,282      $66,017         $844

   9 Asia                       Boot   Bangkok         1         $1,996       $9,576          $80

  10 Asia                       Boot   Seoul          17        $60,712     $160,589       $1,296

  11 Canada                     Boot   Calgary         8        $17,720      $63,280         $472

  12 Canada                     Boot   Montreal       25        $40,213     $240,132       $1,472

  13 Canada                     Boot   Ottawa          5         $7,892      $28,162         $377

  14 Canada                     Boot   Toronto        16        $33,291     $149,118         $994

  15 Canada                     Boot   Vancouver      31       $286,497     $882,080       $9,160

  16 Central America/Caribbean  Boot   Kingston       33       $102,372     $393,376       $4,454

  17 Central America/Caribbean  Boot   Managua        17        $34,660     $162,033       $1,775

  18 Central America/Caribbean  Boot   Mexico City    21        $20,819      $79,994         $814

  19 Central America/Caribbean  Boot   San Juan       31        $32,892     $135,309       $1,504

  20 Eastern Europe             Boot   Budapest       22        $74,102     $317,515       $3,341

  21 Eastern Europe             Boot   Moscow         23        $67,476     $329,604       $3,142

  22 Eastern Europe             Boot   Prague         11        $86,215     $341,326       $3,555

  23 Eastern Europe             Boot   Warsaw         26        $78,992     $363,358       $3,246

  24 Middle East                Boot   Al-Khobar      10        $15,062      $44,658         $765

  25 Middle East                Boot   Dubai          15        $90,972     $403,259       $4,049

  26 Middle East                Boot   Tel Aviv       20        $65,248     $222,165       $2,320

  27 Pacific                    Boot   Auckland       12        $20,141      $97,919         $962

  28 Pacific                    Boot   Canberra       21        $32,640     $188,437       $1,237

  29 Pacific                    Boot   Jakarta         6        $11,975      $50,645         $523

  30 Pacific                    Boot   Kuala Lumpur   15        $25,796     $143,063       $1,110

  31 Pacific                    Boot   Manila         21        $31,503     $110,179       $1,449

  32 Pacific                    Boot   Singapore       2         $1,520         $374         $120

  33 South America              Boot   Bogota         19        $15,312      $35,805       $1,229

  34 South America              Boot   Buenos Aires   16        $17,027      $39,291       $1,073

  35 South America              Boot   Caracas        13        $63,697     $307,509       $2,731

  36 South America              Boot   La Paz         21        $36,309     $100,618       $2,925

  37 South America              Boot   Montevideo     15        $53,703     $150,601       $3,226

  38 South America              Boot   Santiago       14        $14,907      $39,222         $939

  39 South America              Boot   Sao Paulo      12        $44,720     $173,578       $2,471

  40 United States              Boot   Chicago        16        $82,483     $305,061       $3,735

  41 United States              Boot   Los Angeles    14        $85,932     $347,252       $3,283

  42 United States              Boot   Minneapolis    16       $111,940     $615,489       $4,475

  43 United States              Boot   New York       18        $97,151     $495,479       $3,983

  44 United States              Boot   Seattle        15        $70,790     $226,678       $3,039

  45 Western Europe             Boot   Copenhagen      2         $1,663       $4,657         $129

  46 Western Europe             Boot   Geneva         22        $41,341     $171,030       $1,560

  47 Western Europe             Boot   Heidelberg     14        $65,610     $301,779       $2,829

  48 Western Europe             Boot   Lisbon         18        $76,349     $341,911       $3,290

  49 Western Europe             Boot   London         31        $54,449     $289,527       $2,321

  50   Western Europe    Boot       Madrid        1           $1,179         $1,027            $93

  51   Western Europe    Boot       Paris        15          $19,196        $41,506         $1,006

  52   Western Europe    Boot       Rome         23          $36,244       $209,271         $1,455




                                          The SAS System       21:14 Thursday, January 23, 2003   3


                   Plot of Sales*Inventory.  Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc.


        $300,000 ˆ







        $250,000 ˆ







        $200,000 ˆ







        $150,000 ˆ





      s                                                       A


        $100,000 ˆ                              A      A


                                        A  B


                                   A     A

                                   A    AAA

                              B        A

         $50,000 ˆ

                               B    A

                          A AAA A A

                           A A  A

                      A AAB


                    AB A

              $0 ˆ  CA


                   $0         $200,000      $400,000      $600,000      $800,000     $1,000,000


                                                Total Inventory




                                          The SAS System       21:14 Thursday, January 23, 2003   4


                                         The REG Procedure

                                           Model: MODEL1

                               Dependent Variable: Sales Total Sales


                                       Analysis of Variance


                                              Sum of           Mean

          Source                   DF        Squares         Square    F Value    Pr > F


          Model                     1    95804378965    95804378965     446.30    <.0001

          Error                    50    10733238966      214664779

          Corrected Total          51    1.065376E11



                       Root MSE                14651    R-Square     0.8993

                       Dependent Mean          45203    Adj R-Sq     0.8972

                       Coeff Var            32.41272



                                        Parameter Estimates


                                              Parameter       Standard

      Variable     Label              DF       Estimate          Error    t Value    Pr > |t|


      Intercept    Intercept           1    -1863.51988     3015.25264      -0.62      0.5394

      Inventory    Total Inventory     1        0.25167        0.01191      21.13      <.0001



                                          The SAS System       21:14 Thursday, January 23, 2003   5


                                         The REG Procedure

                                           Model: MODEL1

                               Dependent Variable: Sales Total Sales


                                         Output Statistics


            Dep Var  Predicted     Std Error

     Obs      Sales      Value  Mean Predict       95% CL Mean         95% CL Predict      Residual


       1      29761      46413          2033      42330      50495      16703      76123     -16652

       2      21297      16694          2439      11795      21593     -13139      46527       4603

       3       4846       2909          2852      -2820       8639     -27071      32890       1937

       4       8365       6444          2738   945.9895      11943     -23493      36382       1921

       5      19282      24655          2253      20131      29180      -5119      54429      -5373

       6      13921      15939          2459      11000      20878     -13901      45779      -2018

       7       6081      11116          2595       5905      16327     -18770      41002      -5035

       8      16282      14751          2491       9748      19755     -15099      44602       1531

       9       1996   546.5095          2932      -5343       6436     -29465      30558       1449

      10      60712      38553          2056      34423      42682       8836      68269      22159

      11      17720      14062          2510       9021      19104     -15795      43919       3658

      12      40213      58571          2128      54297      62846      28834      88309     -18358

      13       7892       5224          2777  -352.8020      10801     -24728      35176       2668

      14      33291      35666          2081      31485      39846       5942      65389      -2375

      15     286497     220133          8526     203008     237258     186085     254181      66364

      16     102372      97139          3189      90733     103545      67021     127256       5233

      17      34660      38916          2053      34791      43040       9200      68632      -4256

      18      20819      18269          2399      13451      23087     -11551      48089       2550

      19      32892      32190          2123      27926      36455       2455      61926   701.7740

      20      74102      78047          2558      72908      83185      48173     107920      -3945

      21      67476      81089          2648      75770      86409      51184     110994     -13613

      22      86215      84039          2740      78536      89543      54101     113978       2176

      23      78992      89584          2923      83714      95454      59576     119592     -10592

      24      15062       9376          2647       4060      14691     -20529      39280       5686

      25      90972      99626          3281      93036     106216      69469     129783      -8654

      26      65248      54050          2074      49883      58216      24328      83771      11198

      27      20141      22780          2292      18176      27384      -7006      52566      -2639

      28      32640      45561          2032      41480      49642      15851      75271     -12921

      29      11975      10883          2601       5657      16108     -19006      40771       1092

      30      25796      34142          2098      29927      38356       4413      63870      -8346

      31      31503      25866          2228      21390      30342      -3901      55632       5637

      32       1520      -1769          3012      -7819       4280     -31813      28274       3289

      33      15312       7148          2715       1694      12602     -22782      37077       8164

      34      17027       8025          2688       2626      13424     -21894      37944       9002

      35      63697      75528          2488      70532      80525      45679     105378     -11831

      36      36309      23459          2278      18885      28034      -6322      53241      12850

      37      53703      36039          2078      31866      40212       6316      65762      17664

      38      14907       8008          2689       2608      13408     -21912      37927       6899

      39      44720      41822          2038      37728      45915      12110      71533       2898

      40      82483      74912          2471      69949      79876      45068     104756       7571

      41      85932      85531          2788      79931      91130      55574     115487   401.2492

      42     111940     153039          5494     142004     164074     121610     184468     -41099

      43      97151     122836          4199     114402     131270      92223     153449     -25685

      44      70790      55185          2086      50996      59375      25460      84910      15605

      45       1663  -691.4745          2974      -6666       5283     -30720      29337       2354

      46      41341      41180          2041      37081      45279      11468      70893   160.7300

      47      65610      74086          2449      69167      79005      44250     103923      -8476

      48      76349      84187          2745      78674      89699      54246     114127      -7838

      49      54449      71003          2371      66241      75764      41192     100814     -16554

      50       1179      -1605          3006      -7643       4433     -31646      28436       2784

      51      19196       8582          2671       3218      13947     -21331      38496      10614

      52      36244      50805          2049      46689      54920      21090      80519     -14561



                           Sum of Residuals                           0

                           Sum of Squared Residuals         10733238966

                           Predicted Residual SS (PRESS)    17326290516




                                          The SAS System       21:14 Thursday, January 23, 2003   7


                       Plot of res*pred.  Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc.


   80000 ˆ







   60000 ˆ







   40000 ˆ






i                                   A

d  20000 ˆ

u                                  A

a                                       A

l                          A    A       A

                           B                  A

                           AA A A                   A

                         DBA BA      A           A

       0 ˆ                   A     A  A           A

                             A A   AA          A

                            A   A

                                   A          A  A   A

                                              A   A

                                      AA        A

                                      A  A   A

  -20000 ˆ







  -40000 ˆ                                                           A


         -50000           0           50000        100000        150000        200000        250000


                                          Predicted Value of Sales



                                          The SAS System       21:14 Thursday, January 23, 2003   8


                                     The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                    Variable:  res  (Residual)




                  N                          52    Sum Weights                 52

                  Mean                        0    Sum Observations             0

                  Std Deviation      14507.0902    Variance             210455666

                  Skewness           1.36886588    Kurtosis            8.56047016

                  Uncorrected SS     1.07332E10    Corrected SS        1.07332E10

                  Coeff Variation             .    Std Error Mean      2011.77144



                                    Basic Statistical Measures


                          Location                    Variability


                      Mean        0.000     Std Deviation              14507

                      Median   1490.127     Variance               210455666

                      Mode         .        Range                     107463

                                            Interquartile Range        13527



                                    Tests for Location: Mu0=0


                         Test           -Statistic-    -----p Value------


                         Student's t    t         0    Pr > |t|    1.0000

                         Sign           M         5    Pr >= |M|   0.2116

                         Signed Rank    S        -5    Pr >= |S|   0.9642



                                      Quantiles (Definition 5)


                                      Quantile       Estimate


                                      100% Max       66363.99

                                      99%            66363.99

                                      95%            17664.18

                                      90%            11198.38

                                      75% Q3          5435.19

                                      50% Median      1490.13

                                      25% Q1         -8091.63

                                      10%           -14560.53

                                      5%            -18358.44

                                      1%            -41099.01

                                      0% Min        -41099.01


                                          The SAS System       21:14 Thursday, January 23, 2003   9


                                     The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                    Variable:  res  (Residual)


                                       Extreme Observations


                            ------Lowest-----        -----Highest-----


                               Value      Obs           Value      Obs


                            -41099.0       42         12849.6       36

                            -25684.6       43         15604.6       44

                            -18358.4       12         17664.2       37

                            -16651.8        1         22159.5       10

                            -16553.9       49         66364.0       15



                         Stem Leaf                     #             Boxplot

                            6 6                        1                *









                            2 2                        1                |

                            1 68                       2                |

                            1 113                      3                |

                            0 55667889                 8             +-----+

                            0 0011122222333334        16             *--+--*

                           -0 44322                    5             |     |

                           -0 988855                   6             +-----+

                           -1 4321                     4                |

                           -1 8775                     4                |

                           -2                                           |

                           -2 6                        1                |



                           -4 1                        1                0


                          Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+4




                                          The SAS System       21:14 Thursday, January 23, 2003  10


                                     The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                    Variable:  res  (Residual)


                                          Normal Probability Plot

                      67500+                                                *






                           |                                                  +

                           |                                              ++++

                           |                                           +++

                           |                                       ++++ *

                           |                                    +++ **

                      12500+                                ++++***

                           |                             ++******

                           |                       *********

                           |                    ***++

                           |                 ****+

                           |             ****++

                           |         ** *++

                           |        ++++

                           |     +*+

                           | ++++


                     -42500+  *


                                -2        -1         0        +1        +2





                                          The SAS System       21:14 Thursday, January 23, 2003  11


                   Plot of Sales*Inventory.  Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc.


  $120,000 ˆ







  $100,000 ˆ







   $80,000 ˆ                                             A


T                                                 A

o                                      A

t                                                   A

a                                      A        A

l                                                A

   $60,000 ˆ                    A


a                             A                A



s                                A


   $40,000 ˆ                      A       A

                        A            A

                            A AA

                         A         A




   $20,000 ˆ      A   AA AA

                 A  B

                AB  A



              A   A

           ‚ AB

        $0 ˆ A


            $0       $100,000    $200,000    $300,000    $400,000    $500,000    $600,000  $700,000


                                                Total Inventory




                                          The SAS System       21:14 Thursday, January 23, 2003  12


                                         The REG Procedure

                                           Model: MODEL1

                               Dependent Variable: Sales Total Sales


                                       Analysis of Variance


                                              Sum of           Mean

          Source                   DF        Squares         Square    F Value    Pr > F


          Model                     1    43099093239    43099093239     518.38    <.0001

          Error                    49     4073983824       83142527

          Corrected Total          50    47173077063



                       Root MSE           9118.25241    R-Square     0.9136

                       Dependent Mean          40471    Adj R-Sq     0.9119

                       Coeff Var            22.53006



                                        Parameter Estimates


                                              Parameter       Standard

      Variable     Label              DF       Estimate          Error    t Value    Pr > |t|


      Intercept    Intercept           1     4830.25907     2020.09361       2.39      0.0207

      Inventory    Total Inventory     1        0.20556        0.00903      22.77      <.0001




                                          The SAS System       21:14 Thursday, January 23, 2003  13


                                         The REG Procedure

                                           Model: MODEL1

                               Dependent Variable: Sales Total Sales


                                         Output Statistics


            Dep Var  Predicted     Std Error

     Obs      Sales      Value  Mean Predict       95% CL Mean         95% CL Predict      Residual


       1      29761      44261          1288      41674      46849      25756      62767     -14500

       2      21297      19988          1562      16849      23127       1397      38579       1309

       3       4846       8729          1891       4930      12528      -9985      27442      -3883

       4       8365      11616          1799       8001      15231      -7061      30293      -3251

       5      19282      26490          1417      23643      29338       7947      45034      -7208

       6      13921      19371          1578      16200      22541   774.8258      37967      -5450

       7       6081      15432          1685      12045      18818      -3203      34066      -9351

       8      16282      18401          1603      15179      21622  -203.9923      37006      -2119

       9       1996       6799          1954       2872      10725     -11941      25538      -4803

      10      60712      37841          1282      35265      40418      19337      56345      22871

      11      17720      17838          1618      14586      21090  -771.8813      36448  -118.2374

      12      40213      54192          1412      51355      57030      35650      72735     -13979

      13       7892      10619          1830       6942      14297      -8070      29309      -2727

      14      33291      35483          1295      32880      38087      16975      53991      -2192

      15     102372      85694          2361      80948      90439      66765     104622      16678

      16      34660      38138          1281      35564      40712      19634      56642      -3478

      17      20819      21274          1530      18199      24349       2694      39854  -455.0047

      18      32892      32645          1322      29987      35302      14129      51160   247.3202

      19      74102      70099          1823      66436      73763      51413      88786       4003

      20      67476      72584          1903      68761      76408      53866      91303      -5108

      21      86215      74994          1982      71010      78977      56242      93746      11221

      22      78992      79523          2138      75226      83820      60702      98344  -530.9424

      23      15062      14010          1727      10541      17480      -4639      32660       1052

      24      90972      87725          2437      82828      92622      68758     106692       3247

      25      65248      50499          1351      47785      53213      31975      69023      14749

      26      20141      24959          1447      22050      27867       6406      43512      -4818

      27      32640      43566          1284      40985      46146      25061      62070     -10926

      28      11975      15241          1691      11843      18638      -3395      33877      -3266

      29      25796      34239          1306      31614      36863      15728      52749      -8443

      30      31503      27479          1399      24668      30289       8941      46017       4024

      31       1520       4907          2017   852.8654       8961     -13860      23674      -3387

      32      15312      12190          1781       8611      15770      -6480      30861       3122

      33      17027      12907          1760       9371      16443      -5755      31569       4120

      34      63697      68042          1760      64506      71579      49381      86704      -4345

      35      36309      25514          1436      22628      28399       6964      44063      10795

      36      53703      35788          1293      33189      38387      17281      54295      17915

      37      14907      12893          1760       9356      16430      -5769      31555       2014

      38      44720      40511          1277      37945      43077      22009      59014       4209

      39      82483      67539          1745      64033      71045      48883      86195      14944

      40      85932      76212          2023      72146      80278      57443      94982       9720

      41     111940     131352          4191     122930     139773     111185     151518     -19412

      42      97151     106682          3176     100300     113064      87278     126086      -9531

      43      70790      51427          1364      48685      54169      32899      69955      19363

      44       1663       5788          1988       1793       9782     -12967      24542      -4125

      45      41341      39988          1277      37421      42554      21485      58490       1353

      46      65610      66865          1725      63399      70330      48216      85513      -1255

      47      76349      75114          1986      71123      79106      56361      93868       1235

      48      54449      64346          1652      61026      67666      45724      82968      -9897

      49       1179       5041          2013   996.2638       9086     -13724      23806      -3862

      50      19196      13362          1746       9854      16871      -5294      32019       5834

      51      36244      47848          1317      45201      50496      29334      66363     -11604



                           Sum of Residuals                           0

                           Sum of Squared Residuals          4073983824

                           Predicted Residual SS (PRESS)     4555469404



                                          The SAS System       21:14 Thursday, January 23, 2003  15


                       Plot of res*pred.  Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc.




   30000 ˆ







   20000 ˆ                                 A




                                         A          A


R                         A                             A

e  10000 ˆ                                                A



d                  A

u                  A       A       A                 A

a                 A                                             A

l                  B   A           A                    A

       0 ˆ             A A      A                           A

                      A                            A

              A  AA A           A A

              BAA         A                         A

                       A                               A



  -10000 ˆ           A                             A                        A

                                     A  A


                                      A     A




  -20000 ˆ                                                                                 A



            0         20000       40000       60000       80000      100000      120000      140000


                                          Predicted Value of Sales