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Lizzie Johnson's Webpage

Hi! My name is Liz! I'm 16 years old.
I'm a sophmore at Mount Airy High School.
This is the webpage that I made for
my 1st period class which is
computer app 2..with one teacher who I shall refer to as "The Price".
Sorry if it isn't completely high tech and what not..
but hey I tried! So classmates please evaluate me well!


Family Page

Friends Page

Mount Airy High School

Little LIZ!!!


Age: 16
Sex: Female
Martial Status: Unavailable!
Grade: 10th
Favorite Music: Country
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Funny Fact: I have a 3 legged cat.. hmmm weird
Close Friends: Nicole, Kellye, Summer, Loren, Nan, Eve, Ashley, Audra, Sami, Whitney and Erin!
Absolutely wonderful friends!!!
Most important in a guys look:
TEETH (must be straight and pearly white)
What I hate: people chewing with their
mouths open making that smacking sound while they eat..
its absolutely revolting.

How did you like my webpage? (Actually, I don't care how you liked
my webpage... but you can email me if you are bored.)

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