Humor, Politics, Fun, Al Gore, Games, College, NC State, Funny, Mo Shmo, Satire
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The First Step to trying

You're probably asking yourself, "I thought this kid was in high school, Why isn't he using a black background with red lettering, and such"? Well that's just not me folks. I think the glass is half empty but that doesn't mean I always look on the dark side of things. Others may wonder about the "title quote." "What up wit dat"? you may ask. I'm sure you'll understand by the time you are done reading. Well I hope you enjoy my webpage. For those of you with very short attention spans, I have inserted a dancing monkey on many of my pages to satisfy your "special" needs. By the way, there is no disclaimer on this site because disclaimers are for people who like to use one "big" word on their website.

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