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Star Wars RPG on mIRC
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It is a dark time for the Galaxy...

The senate's power is being usurped by Supreme Chancelor Palpatine. Those who still beleive in the vision of the Old Republic have been driven underground or off world by shrowded assasins. Greg Stapp, known by some as the Dark Jedi for his beliefs and his moody ways, has come to Coruscant after returning home to find his family slaughtered at the hands of the Sith. The only reminants of his past life are his ship and his Force-intuned protocol droid Bright. Bent on revenge Greg and Bright are intercepted on their way to the planet surface by Gerrobacc, a Wookiee ex-Senator and Greg's old friend.
Gerrobacc escaped the Sith assasins with the help of a young, idealistic brother and sister, Hanniia and Rup Jade. Rup and Hanniia had been barred from their home world by Republic ships and were on their way to make their case to the Senate when they ran into Gerrobacc. They smuggled themselves off Coruscant and back to their ship but remained in orbit to search for other displaced beings.
They were just about to leave orbit when Greg and Bright arived...

Nuts and Bolts

This is a total IRC Star Wars campaign. It is set right after Palpatine takes control of the Senate (app. near the end of Attack of the Clones). This campaign is not run on the normal continuity line, though I will try to mesh the campain with the events of the movies, it will largely ignore any other sorce of information.
This Campain will be run using the Second Edition rulebook from West End Games(D6). There are several house rules that are diffrent from this edition of the rulebook which Players will be asked to adhere to.
Information about our schedual of sessions will be out as soon as possable. I am a college student on the east coast and will probably schedual sessions sometime between 5-10 est Mon-Sat

Meet the Characters

This part of the site is under construction(Stats are subject to change)

Greg Stapp -(Male, Human, Jedi Knight)
Played by Enigma20003
His family, his wife and three children, killed by Sith assasins. Keeps his rage well hidden but there is no doubt that it is there.
Bright - (Protocol droid, Force-intuned)
Played by Wayne
Having witnessed his master's family being slaughtered by Sith assasins, Bright had a slicer re-program his anti-agression programing.
Gerrobacc -(Female, Wookiee, Ex-senator)
Close friend of Bail Antilies, the first victim of Palpatine's assasins, she ran for fear of her life and now seeks to revenge her friend's death.
Rup Jade -(Male, Rodian, Freetrader)
Played by Fork Turner
Lost his home to attacking stormtroopers due to Palpatine's anti-alien policies. Rescued Gerrobacc from Palpatine's assasins and promised to guard her with his life.
Hanniia Jade -(Female, Rodian, Theif)
Played by Julia
Social outcast, Hanniia turned to crime and the green blood gang for acceptance. When stormtroopers started hunting down the alien members of her gang she ran to her brother to get her off world but their strained relationshipin the past is hardly making things easier on the two of them in the tight space aboard ship.

Further Nuts and Bolts
This campaign is for anyone with role-playing experence. It will be assumed that you already know your role-playing basics. The Rebelion! camaign was designed for the five characters already layed out on this site but other characters (with-in the limits of the campain setting) will be considered. To be concitered to join this campaign e-mail me at
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