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To join our Angel Ring, we have a few simple rules:

Your site will be removed from the ring for any of the following:

When you have added the appropriate HTML code to your page(s) please send an email to the Ring Administrator with the following information:

  1. Your sites URL (web address)

  2. The title of your site and or page(s)

  3. The ring ID number of your site or page(s)

  4. Your valid email address or valid email address of the contact person

  5. Your name or the name of the contact person

Once submitted, your site will be reviewed and if it meets the requirements your site will be added to the ring.  As soon as it is activated, you will receive notification by email from the ring administrator.

When completed this is what it should look like:

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This RingSurf Some Call It Heaven Angel Ring Net Ring
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Please complete the following form to join "Some Call It Heaven's Angel Ring"

Submit a site to Some Call It Heaven Angel Ring Net Ring

Site Title:
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Site Owner:
EMail Address:
Year of Birth:
(ie: 1999)
By law, we cannot collect personal information on anyone under the age of 13. Because of this we do not allow anyone 13 or under to Join a RingSurf Net Ring, or become a Ringmaster, and thus we are forced to ask you to specify your birthdate. If you are under the age of 14, you may not become a member of RingSurf. You may use the Ring Directory and use any existing ring, you just may not start a new ring, or add your website to an existing ring. See our privacy statement if you have any questions on how we handle your personal data.
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