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SHW Champions

SHW CHAMPIONS!!! AS OF (12-14-04)

World champion


Grimmstone keeps the Title, since SHW was shut down for a few months.

4/12 Grimmstone won Tournament


3/21-4/1: Ireland Pinned Cataclysm

2/29-3/20: Cataclysm pinned Hardcore Lenny

1/13-2/29: Hardcore Lenny Won Battle Royal, beat 14 others.

Southern Champion


12/14-Declared Vacant by Kenny Ireland

4/1 Stolen from Dynamite X by Ghost Rider After DX pinned Harris

3/11-4/1 Angel Boy Cory Harris Pinned Dealness Volume One

1/20-3/11: Dealness Volume One Won Battle Royal, beat 6 others

Xtreme Champion

12/14-Declared Vacant by Kenny Ireland

3/11: Alex Stevens Pinned Hope

2/29-3/11: Hope pinned Rayne in a Triple Threat

2/15-2/29: Lineya Pinned Adam Mest and Dynamite X

1/27-2/15: Adam Mest(2) Awarded by Ireland

1/20-1/27: Level Pinned Adam Mest

1/13-1/20: Adam Mest Pinned Mister Whoadie

Womens Champion

12/14-Declared NO LONGER IN USE by Kenny Ireland

Lineya=She chunked the belt though

2/29: Pinned Rayne

1/20-2/29: Hope Pinned JD


12/14-Declared Vacant by Kenny Ireland

2/18: Dealness Volume One/ Mest's Titles were Vacated At a Press Conference by President Ireland due to Mest's suspension, and Dealness having the Southern Title.

2/6-2/18: Dealness/ Adam Mest beat DX/Ache (Deal pinned Ache)