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"); matrix_window.document.write(""); if(bold == true) matrix_window.document.write(""); if(italic == true) matrix_window.document.write(""); for(i = 0; i <= string.length; i++) { timer += (Math.random() * speed); setTimeout("matrix_window.document.write('" + string.charAt(i) + "');", timer); } timer += 2000; setTimeout("matrix_window.close()", timer); } var messages = new Array("The Matrix has you...", "Follow the white rabbit", "Wake up, Neo"); function GetRndIndex() { return (parseInt(Math.random() * messages.length)); } function WriteRndMsg(bold, italic, speed) { MatrixWrite(messages[GetRndIndex()], bold, italic, speed); } // End --> I Want To Kick You!!!

Welcome to SauLand
Let me guess; right now, you are bored and you have nothing to do. If you are visiting this site these things must be true. But I understand. I mean, just think about how bored I had to be to make a freakin website.

The Facts:
Screen Name: saully1303
College: Freshman at UNC Chapel Hill
Dorm: Craige North 304
Dorm Phone: 919-914-8055
Hometown: Gastonia, NC
High School: Hunter Huss High School
Best movies of all time!!!
Fight Club
American Beauty
Office Space
Vanilla Sky

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(if you are not on here, then give me your pic)


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The Matrix
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