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  Sam is gone from this earth but his spirit lives within all who ever met him. His smile and his laughter and sense of humor remain with us all. He was fun to be around and made us all laugh with such intensity our sides hurt. His practical jokes remain a part of our family conversations and are frequently reenacted. I know Heaven will never be the same now that he is there. I am positive he is the resident Angel in Charge of Practical Jokes and probably voted Mr. Angel Congeniality. His dads' calculator seems to reach millions in the middle of the night and we are all sure it is he playing a joke.

  We all miss him tremendously but take comfort in knowing he is in a better place without pain, disappointments, or sorrow. He believed in God and talked freely about his belief. Right before his death he began exploring different religions. The day after his death we found 2 books lying on his front car seat on religion. He was trying to decide which path to follow. Several pages marked by him where he had been reading left us with great solace and comfort.

  I still receive newsletters from the Society to Prevent Cruelty to Animals with his name on them. I read them with a warm smile because they remind me how tender and caring he was. Maybe he is the Angel Animal Caretaker too.

  We were privileged to have him for all those years. Our pain is ours, not his. He is pain free. He has a new home. Now is the time to Let go and Let God.