Jim Ross
Well King we just saw Kurt Angle strike the first blow verbally for the monday's Raw is War. But the question stands....where are the other three men? We saw Kurt Angle and Triple H give one hellacious battle last thursday night and in the end we saw Triple H prove once again why he is the champ!

The King
Maybe "The Game" is home nursing his wounds that the olympic hero gave him. Ha!

Jim Ross
I doubt that King. Triple H stood tall after Smackdown after giving Kurt Angle the pedigree and pinning him to retain his HCW World Title.......wait a minute. I am getting word that Triple H has just entered the arena and is on his way down here to address us all about this monday!

The King
Its about time, I just think the Game was stalling because he didnt want to face his fate this monday night!

Jim Ross
Oh and whats that?

The King
That he's gonna lose to the NWO team of Kurt Angle and Sting!

Jim Ross
I wish you would say that to his face!

::[The titan tron begins to show footage of Triple H walking through the backstage area with the World Title around his waist. The fans begin to cheer]::

::[Triple H takes a swig of water as he makes his way to the ring with a determined look on his face]::

{{~Commercial break for Backlash is shown~}}

::[The crowd are standing, anticipating the Game making his way to the ring.]::

::[Triple H's music hits. The crowd jumps to their feet and begins to go nuts. The World Champion makes his way out to the ramp as he recieves a standing ovation. He takes another wig of water and then tosses it to the side. He makes his descent towards the ring. He walks around to the side and climbs up on the apron. He holds the title in the air and sprays the the water in the air. The crowd goes nuts]::

::[Triple H gets into the ring he puts the title over his shoulder and walks to the ropes. He is handed a mic from lillian garcia and he takes it. He then begins to talk]::

"The Game" Triple H
Now I am down here right now and you all see that I still have my World Title in my posession. So that should all of you that the olympic hero Kurt Angle, did not tople the game. He did not make it, "game over" because he did NOT take my world title! Now grant it, Kurt Angle did put up one hell of a fight, but I never said he wouldnt, I told him that no matter what he did would be enough to beat me. And I think I made that pretty clear. There was no Olympic Slam, just like I said there would be. There was no ankle lock, again, just like i said there would be. But There was a pedigree! I told you going into that the match that I would finish his punk ass off by Pedigreeing him flat on his face and pinning him 1,2,3 right smack dab in the middle of the ring! {crowd cheers} Kurt Angle you talked shit until you were blue in the face, and look how far it got, it got you absolutely no where except now you are struggleing to be the number one contender again. How pitiful is that! But whats even worse is that I have to see your pitiful ass in the ring again this monday night on Raw! Im gonna have to stare at that ugly mug for the second show in a row, but make no mistake Angle...I will do exactly what I did to you on Smackdown and thats kick your ass from here to timbuktoo! I saw you little interview not too long ago, where you did that same exact thing that you last week and thats run your mouth and talk all about how you were going to beat the game and his tag team partner Brock Lesnar! But what you will come to realize this monday night Kurt, is that the only thing you are doing is talking yourself into a big ass hole! And pretty soon you wont be able to dig your way out. You can bring up how you won the Gold medals back in 1996 all you want. But I proved something to you last thursday night and I hope you remember it, because I showed you that what you did 6 years ago wont do you a damn bit of good now. Because your past glory wont do jack shit for you when you run your mouth against people like me and Brock Lesnar! Kurt Angle you have things all mixed up when you try to tell me that I am in a match that I can not when. Because nothing can stop the game! You should no better than to tell me that I cant win, because Ive been doing it each and every day in here. I have not yet once met a challenge that I could not beat. I faced you, I beat you. i faced your little partner Sting, and I beat him. So this monday night will be nothing more than doing the same exact thing at once! You know, it seems to me that the NWO is having a tough time understanding that I am not just some punk who got lucky by winning the World Title, because you see, thats not how it is. I worked my tail off for this. Kurt Angle knows what type of man I am, he knows that I am the right man for the job because not even he could end the game. And as far as Im concerned he never will! Not now, not tomorow, not ever! Because Kurt the thing you have to realize about me is that when I say Im going to do something, you can be damn sure Im going to do it! Now as far as Sting is concerned he can just put his head between his legs and kiss his ass goodbye! Because this monday will be the first time Sting gets into a ring with me since getting his ass kick one week ago at Wrestlemania. Sting was the man who kick started the Era of the Game. He was the man who made this all possible. Because Sting, one week ago today you lost the game. The game beat you and the game humiliated you. You talked trash on the game for a week straight and in the end you failed to live up to your words. Just like Kurt Angle and Sting, as for tomorow night is concerned...I will humiliate your black and white, make-up wearing ass live infront of all these screaming fans! Because each and every one of them want me to kick the living hell out of you. But it wont just be me beating your asses, because fellow Horsemen Brock Lesnar will be right there beside me, just waiting to get the tag in so he can rip the NWO a new one. But Im gonna make sure that by the time I walk out of Raw tomorow night I will have furthered my impact on the NWO. I cant think of anything better than beating the piss out of the NWO leader and the Olympic Hero one last time. Because I have proven to both of you at sperate times, why I am the game and why I am that damn good. Each time against your wishes but make no mistake boys, I could care less what you want. Its quite obvious you want this title but have I handed it over to you on a silver platter? No! Because if you want this gold then you will have to work you asses off to get. You will have to become better than me in order to take this from my clutches! But seeing as how you both will never be better than me let alone never even being as good as me, you two can just keep on dreaming. But for tomorow you better get your heads out of clouds and come back to reality because you both have one hell of a fight on your hands, because you dont just have the Heavyweight champion looking to kick your ass but you got alomst 300 pounds of rock solid muscle that belongs to one crazy son of a b###h looking to rip your limbs off. Because Kurt Angle as I was saying before, you should look into the mirror then next time you say I cant win, because Kurt, this monday night. You and Sting will be in a match that YOU can NOT win! Now as I was saying, it wont just be me out here tomorow night, because Brock Lesnar will be right out here beside me. Now Brock I just have to.......

::[Brock Lesnar's music hits.]::

::[Triple H looks to the the ramp and smiles as the 6'5 295 pound monster, Brock Lesnar makes his way out onto the ramp. He makes his way to the ring and slides in.]::

::[He nods his head to Triple and the shake hands. Brock then sticks his hand out and Triple H puts the mic in his hands and goes and leans in the corner as Brock begins to speak]::

Brock Lesnar
How you doing Triple H? {Triple H nods his head} Now I saw Triple H down here as I was in the bacl, talking about how badly we were gonna beat the shit out of the NWO, and I thought to myself, damn I want I want some of that. So here I am. And as the song goes NWO, Here I am!! Ill rock you like a huricane! Becaues I have unfinished buisiness with BOTH Kurt Angle and that womenly Sting! Because Sting you blasted me in the head with a chair and Kurt, you attacked me from behind and gave me your weak ass olympic slam then went ahead and spit on me. Well I cant blame you Kurt, for attacking from behind, because that is the only way that you would ever take The Human Wrecking machine down. But as for spitting on me, well that was just a big mistake. Because that showed me that you dont respect me, and you know what I do to people who dont respect me? Well just take a look at the way I man handled your NWO buddies last week. Hell the Outsiders left and are never coming back because of the pain I caused them, and Kurt you will too. But you are my main target for tomorow night, because I am also looking to take out Sting. The coward he bashed me over the head with a chair. Now Sting I honestly dont know what you thought to accomplish by doing that, but if it was to keep me down well then you will have to do alot more than that! Because when you stand you next to me you can see one big difference and thats strength. Because Sting I could break you like a twig! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh you can bet on that one! And maybe if you piss me off enough and keep trying to mess with me well then you will experience first hand! Because I wont talk about what Im going to do to you, Im just gonna go head and do it! Because I said the moment I signed my HCW contract that I would do nothing but kick NWO ass! And thats what I have been doing. I made my debut at Wrestlemania by kickin NWO ass. I made my Match debut last thursday night kicking NWO ass, and I will return this monday night by going ahead and kickin NWO ass. Now Sting you are one porr bastard, because I kicked your ass at Mania, I kicked it at Smackdown and it looks like Ill be doing it yt again at Raw! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! But Kurt, you my friend, ahve not tasted a Brock Lesnar ass whoopin yet. But make no mistake, you are on board! You are on deck for a hurting, a beating a pounding like non other. From the moment you Olympic slammed me last Thursday night, I have been doing nothing but pacing around backstage, counting the days until I would get my hands around that neck of yours, and when I get ahold of your ass you can be damn sure that it will be Kurt Angle Bashing time!!! {Brock pounds his fists into his hand} HAHA! Because take a good look at myself and Triple H. I came here to learn from that man over there, because he is the World Champ. With my strength and his mind you can be damn sure you boys are in for some trouble. And some point in time i will have my hands on some sweet Gold wether its Tajiri's Hardcore title or The Intercontinental title. Because I will run rampant on any jackass that I want around here. And who is to stop, I can tell you a few people who cant and thats the god damn NWO! Because take a good look at what is standing in this ring. Its Brock and Triple H and we make one rough, tough, rock em, sock em, and knock em on their ass partnership. And you can be damn sure that this monday we will be knocking you on your ass over and over and over again! Because you pissed off two people that you never, ever! want to piss off. And now there is no going back. There is no backing it up in reverse, you are stuck in foward and you are heading right for a brick wall! One thing is for sure, its not looking pretty for you too. And I will make damn sure that I mangle noth your faces tomorow night, because you are 24 hours away from defeat and anguish! AHHHHHHHHHHHH, and there is not one god damn thing you two can do to stop it from happening. Whether it is the Pedigree that finishes you off, the Lesnar Press DDT or my Shooting Star Press you cant escape defeat. Because Im like quick sand, the harder you fight me, the worse off you are! AHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

::[Triple H stands up from in the corner and walks over to Brock. He pats him on the back and Brock hands him the mic again]::

"The Game" Triple H
You have heard it for yourself, Sting, Kurt Angle. Brock and I are ready to go and we are focused on one thing.....walking into Raw tomorow night and giving you two hell. Because this past month and a half you have been pissing people off and now you pissed off the worse combination ever. Myself and this crasy bastard right here next to me. You can talk all you want. You can talk till you are blue in the face. But you have done nothing but talk the talk where as Brock and I have been walkin the damn walk the entire time. The two of us will walk into Raw and meet the two of you head on, but it wont be any well fought match, It wont be any close call because I wont let it! Its gonna be an out and out massacre and in the end Half the Horsemen will be standing tall while half the NWO lie flat on their backs nothing more than defeated men, because boys......WE ARE THAT DAMN GOOD!!!!!!!!

::[Triple drops the mic. he and Brock stare at each other as Triple H's music begins to play again. The two get up on opposite turnbuckles and raise their arms in the air. The crowd is going nuts. The two men then get down and walk over to each other. Triple H and Brock then raise each others arms in the air]::

::[They both get out of the ring and make their ways up the ramp. They then dissapear behind the titan tron]::