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This webring is for owners and hunters of The Original Ladner Yellow Blackmouth Curs.If you have another breed of hunting dog, you are free to submit your site and we will review it.We reserve the right to accept or deny any site as we see fit. When you are accepted,it is required that you put the navigation code on the main page of your site.You may put it on other pages of your site, but you must have it on your opening page.After being accepted, you must put the navagation code on your site in no less than 48 hours.You are free to change the colors and size of the code to match your site.

You may join this webring here Click Here To Join

if you have any problems, fell free to email us!! (((add email)))

If you have already joined and need the code to put on your site, you may log in below.You may also edit your site's details, change your email address and site URL here.

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