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Welcome To The Christian Awarness Ministries Website

When you come to god in your daily life, you will see the blessing in many different ways. I will share my personal insights and favorite scriptures to strengthen you to face the day. Take the time to energize, encourage and refresh yourself spiritually with the teaching you learn to keep your joy and peace in the midst of obstacles and frustrations.

John 6:66, New James Version

This verse give me thoughts. Not just because of the three numbers in the reference, but because it is a great reminder that many people simply gave up following Jesus when things became hard to understand. When he shattered their preconceived notions of religious things, when he confronted them about their motives, they went away. What will I do when things get difficult in my ministries and I can't figure out all the answers to what is going on? I hope, I pray, I trust that I will follow until the way and the will of the Lord become more clear!

Strong Prayer:

I confess openly that I cannot begin to understand all the blessings of your will and the way you work in our world. But Lord, when I'm confused, please bring people into my life who will help me hang on to my faith until the confusion passes, and dear Lord, please use me to help bless someone who is struggling with there faith. In Jesus' name I ask it. Amen.

This is a quote to live by in our everyday life

“It is impossible for a man to be a Christian without having Christ; and if he has Christ he has at the same time all that is in Christ. ”
— Martin Luther

You can teach a man a lesson, but you can't make him accept it. And no matter how much you try to do 'right' someone is always waiting around to tell you how 'wrong' it is or that it isn't 'good' enough. For those of you who want to condemn my efforts or question my reasoning in getting others to read the Bible,, I ask you... What have you done lately worth of praise? Me? I have accepted Chirst in my life. I certainly hope you have done something better than debate things that interfere with getting positive things done today. Those around us depend on it.

Your brother in love and spirit,
Quentin White

Now Playing..."You Don`t Have To leave (Reprise)" by Dorinda Clark-Cole - Compliments of: Christian Awarness Ministries