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Relative Velocity

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Relative Velocity Problems
Relative Velocity Answers




Relative Velocity Each velocity is labeled by two subscripts: the first refers to the object, the second to the reference frame in which it has a velocity.

For any two objects or reference frames, A and B, the velocity of A relative to B has the same magnitude, but opposite direction, as the velocity of B relative to A. vBA = -vAB

The resultant velocity on the left side has the subscripts left when inner and outer subscripts on the right cancel. vAB = vAC + vCB 

If the above equation is correct then vCB = vAB - vAC    

All other rules for vectors apply.

Table of Contents



Relative Velocity Problems

1. Plane A flies from Fayetteville with a velocity of 900. km/h at 240.o. Plane B flies from Raleigh with a velocity of 500. km/h at 160.o. What is the velocity of A with respect to B?
2. A boat is at the bottom shore with the current going from right to left. The boat’s speed in still water is
vBW = 40.0 km/h. If the boat is to travel directly across a river whose current has speed vWS = 11.0 km/h, at what angle must the boat head?
3. The desired velocity of the boat compared to the shore is 50.0 km/h straight across the river.  The current is traveling from left to right at 15.0 km/h.  What is the necessary velocity of the boat compared to the water?
4. A plane whose airspeed is 350. km/h heads due North compared to the air. A 125 km/h southeast wind (wind coming from the south east) is blowing. What is the velocity of the plane with respect to the ground.

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Relative Velocity Answers

1. Plane A flies from Fayetteville with a velocity of 900. km/h at 240.o. Plane B flies from Raleigh with a velocity of 500. km/h at 160.o. What is the velocity of A with respect to B?
A = Plane A
B = Plane B
G = Ground   

vAB =  vAG  +  vGB       


The resultant velocity on the left side has the subscripts left when inner and outer subscripts on the right cancel.
vAB = vAC + vCB 


vAB = vAG  -  vBG         

vAB = vAG  +  ( - vBG )  

vBG = 500. km/h at 160.o  thus

 - vBG = 500. km/h at 340.o  

For any two objects or reference frames, A and B, the velocity of A relative to B has the same magnitude, but opposite direction, as the velocity of B relative to A. 
vBA = -vAB    

Either Add or substract 180.o keeping the answer between 0o and 360.o.


North = 500. km/h x Sin 70.o
           = 470. km/h

West = 500. km/h x Cos 70.o 
          = 171 km/h


South = 900. km/h x Sin 30.o  
           = 450. km/h

West = 900. km/h x Cos 30.o 
          = 779 km/h


Break the two vectors  into components.
North-South -  North positive and South negative

East-West - West positive and East negative

North-South  =  + 470. km/h  -  450. km/h  = + 20. km/h  (North)

East-West =  + 171 km/h  +  779 km/h = + 950. km/h  (West)


For each dimension, assign a positive and negative.


Add the vectors in the same dimension.

= (( 20. km/h)2 + (950. km/h)2) 1/2 

resultant = 950. km/h

                            20. km/h
angle = Cos -1 ( ---------------)
                           950. km/h

angle = 89o  

heading = 360.o  -  89o = 271o 


Resultant = 950. km/h at 271o  

Draw the two components and solve for the resultant vector
2. A boat is at the bottom shore with the current going from right to left. The boat’s speed in still water is
vBW = 40.0 km/h. If the boat is to travel directly across a river whose current has speed vWS = 11.0 km/h, at what angle must the boat head? 
B = Boat
W = Water
S = Shore

vBS  =  vBW  +  vWS  

The resultant velocity on the left side has the subscripts left when inner and outer subscripts on the right cancel.
vAB = vAC + vCB 



vBS = ((40.0 km/h)2 + (11.0 km/h)2) 1/2 

vBS  =  41.5 km/h


                          11.0 km/h
angle = Sin -1 ( --------------- )
                          41.5 km/h

angle = 15.4o  

Since vBW only gives a speed without a direction;  calculate vBS if vBW is straight across the river.
The boat will need to head to the right at 15.4o to go straight 

across the river.

The boat should head the opposite direction from the calculated direction.
3. The desired velocity of the boat compared to the shore is 50.0 km/h straight across the river.  The current is traveling from left to right at 15.0 km/h.  What is the necessary velocity of the boat compared to the water?
B = Boat
W = Water
S = Shore

vBS  =  vBW  +  vWS  


The resultant velocity on the left side has the subscripts left when inner and outer subscripts on the right cancel.
vAB = vAC + vCB 
vBW  =  vBS  -  vWS   

vBW  =  vBS  +  vSW    


vSW  =  15.0 km/h from right to left

For any two objects or reference frames, A and B, the velocity of A relative to B has the same magnitude, but opposite direction, as the velocity of B relative to A. 
vBA = -vAB    

Either Add or substract 180.o keeping the answer between 0o and 360.o.


vBW = ((50.0 km/h)2 + (15.0 km/h)2) 1/2 

vBW = 52.2 km/h


                            15.0 km/h
Angle = Sin -1 ( ---------------- )
                            50.0 km/h

Angle = 17.5o 


Boat must heat to the left at an angle of 17.5o and a speed of 52.2 km/h

Draw the addition of 

vBS and vSW  and

calculate the value using trig.

4. A plane whose airspeed is 350. km/h heads due North compared to the air. A 125 km/h southeast wind (wind coming from the south east) is blowing. What is the velocity of the plane with respect to the ground.
Plane = P
Air = A
Ground = G

vPG  =  vPA  +  vAG  


The resultant velocity on the left side has the subscripts left when inner and outer subscripts on the right cancel.
vAB = vAC + vCB 


Since vPA is due North, it is all ready 
a component.

If the air is coming from the Southeast, it is heading Northwest.  This is a heading of 315o.

West = 125 km/h x Cos 45o 
          = 88.4 km/h

North = 125 km/h x Sin 45o 
           =  88.4 km/h


Break the two vectors  into components.
North-South    North is positive and South is negative
East-West       West is positive and East is negative

North-South = 350. km/h  +  88.4 km/h = + 438 km/h (North)

East-West = + 88.4 km/h (West)


For each dimension, assign a positive and negative.

Add the vectors in the same dimension.


vPG = ((88.4 km/h)2 + (438 km/h)2) 1/2 

vPG  =  447 km/h


                           438 km/h
angle = Sin -1 ( --------------- )
                          447 km/h

angle = 78.5o  

vPG  =  447 km/h at 348.5o 

Draw the two components and solve for the resultant vector

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