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ViEw ThE G-SpOt
SiGn My G-SpOt Be4 U LeAvE!


NaMe ~ NiCoLe RoSe MaRiE ChAmPaGnE
NiCk NaMeZ ~ CHAMP, ChAmPaGnE, NiKKi * haha colbear
BaCkGrOuNd ~ FRENCH BABY!!!! **n italian :P
LoCaTiOn ~ StOnErZ KrEeK
StAtUS ~ single.. lol suxxxx
B-DaY ~ DeCeMbEr 4th
SiGn ~ SaGgItArIuS
RaDiO StAtIoN ~ Z 103! DJ DaNNy D!!
MuSiK ~ EuRo, HoUsE, DaNcE, TrAnCe, TeChNo ... k the red hot chilli peppers arent that bad as i thought lol, n the white stripes, lol NINA
CoLoRs ~ PiNk !!
FaV TyPe Of CaR ~ k my car is gonna be a pink Mistubishi Eclypse Spyder
Tv ShOwS ~ Ummmmm anythin on MTV i guess? lol
ClOtHiNg! ~ MiSS SiXtY, PuMa, KaPPa, BuFfALo, PaRaSuCo
StOrEs ~ Le CHateau!
Best Friendzz - Jackie AShley n Tonina,,, I love uz! so muchh!

*dont u dare take anythin on this site* 2003 champagne

-Die for love-
I sit in the park where I dwell
For this boy I love so well
Now he wants to set me free
I see a girl on his lap
He says things to her he never said to me
I ran home to cry on my bed
Not a word to mother was said
Father came home late that night
He looked at me from left to right
He saw me hanging from a rope
He took his knife to cut me down
And on my dress a note was found:
Dig my grave Dig it deep
Dig my grave From head to feet
And on the top place a dove
And remember this, I died for love…….



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.............................keep em coming.............................

Jay-Z-Dirt off your Shoulder