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Welcome to my page


Welcome to my page.
Glad to see you made it here. This page is in the works.

I just updated the links pages so there are two new pages to visit.

Keep checking back for updates, don't check back too often, they will get here soon enough.

"The quickest way to make a red light turn green is to try to find 
something in the glove compartment."
- Gary Doney

"I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of
- Jackie Mason

"When I was born, I was so surprised I couldn't talk for a year and a
- Gracie Allen

"Why does the ocean roar? You'd roar, too, if you had that many crabs
on your bottom."
- Redd Foxx

Check out the links and don't forget to sign the guest book.

oh and check back updates will be coming.

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Funny pages
Crystal Scott's compendium to constructing your own location on the world wide web (my senior project)