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One Accord Gospel Enterprises
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Acts 2:1-4
"And when the day of Pentecost
was fully come, they were all with
One Accord and in one place..."

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Many companies begin with an idea or a thought; ours began with a word from the Lord.

In 1996 I had a desire to know my purpose on earth; so, I asked the only one whom I knew held the answer. He spoke to me and said, “I put you here to open the minds of the people and allow them to use the wisdom and talent that I gave them until I come back and get them; now go.” On that day I fully began to understand the saying, “be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.” From there One Accord was birthed, and since then, we have been moving forward and have not stopped. The vision that was given was so profound that it could not come from man; it could only have come from God.


Donyell Bridges
Founder & CEO
One Accord Gospel Enterprises

Coming Soon!!!

June 28, 2003

One Accord Gospel Talent Search
(First Round)

July 4-July 5, 2003

Music Expo & Career Networking 2003

In August

Fred Hammond, Smokie Norful
LIVE in Concert!!!

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