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Welcome To My Little Corner Of The Web....why did i make this site? hell I don't know boredom played a big part in it...and i guess to give ppl insight into the twisted, weirdness that is me...although if I don't know you already i'm not sure i want you to :p

Anyway take a look around and get an insight into my sick twisted little mind :D

**Update April 23**
Ok I know it's been like forever since i've updated i'm sorry y'all but i've been a very busy girl with like no time to get on here...have had a lot of crap happen to me lately anyway only one new thing i've got up since the last it's the Band page i've been tryin to get done for like months and months and they finally got some pics up lol! anyway check em DeVice i am tryin to get a new layout for the main page here but like i said have been to busy to do anything so hopefully next until next time...
Later Dayz

DeVice3rd Degree
Jonny Was
No Soap Radio
My Store
Online Diary