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Question Why!(?Y) Page! =O)
Badass Icons
Baller Icons
Aim Icons.Net! the site for everything aim!
Vote about who you think is HOTT! @
Get the hotMail!
THE SPARK! to your hearts content
Scribble! Make your own =O)
To vote on one of my fav. buds at hotornot
American Greetings! free cards =O)
Alloy is awesome for gurlie stuff
webpages-kinda hard to make at first, but good pages
Official Young Life site
National SAVE

Hey sweethearts! Hope that you like my page and that you let me know what you think! It's a little bit different now! If you click on the links below, then you will get to a few different places including pics of me, some friends, and just some random stuff, its under construction right now, but bear with me please! =) I'll try to keep everything current, but basically its just like once a month for now...

so hope that everyone is having a GREAT day and is super happy! ::SMILE::! =o)

luv ya, CRYS =-P =O)

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