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MOONSHINE these words that follow are the words spoken in the DI`AA SI`UU of the book GEN they have been translated so that the world may see the light of the OTHERS. more text will come please keep coming back to this site to read more once a computer works right it will be able to put up origanal documents. have a nice day. have a nice life. have a nice eternity.



















Fear is all that we have become it is our lives and it is what makes up our lives it twists us perverts us and molds us into the cruel beings that we are but also blinds us from realizing what we become and pushing us all the time closer to the edge of the pit. The natural human emotion of fear comes in diverse forms but every type of it loves to be comforted by other fears. We would have fear and also fear trying to subdue the former. Every day we encounter fear, it completely makes up our lives all around us, for are we not who we are because of our experiences, and are not the most life changing experiences those of pain. Every time anyone hurts it is due to fear, their own fear or anothers, but as fears work together within one soul or in large groups of peoples they destroy the sanity and the morals of their victims. Oftentimes the fears build up around us changing our entire perception, we are terrified and yet somehow feel safe, safe from change, because we fear to change, and we fear getting better, we hold onto the fear we have to keep because we are to afraid of cures. These fears are not just fears of physical things or events but also they are intertwined with all forms of hate. Inside us, inside the mind that is to scared to get better, the mind filled with disgust, fear, hate, and hypocrisy nothing can reach to us, ones' views and perceptions are nearly unchangeable, because we will not allow change in our hearts and minds. Fear will change us we let the greater fears take us over. Jews convert to Christians if they fear Christ is Lord and they have missed something very important. Christians convert to Islam when they fear Mohammed was GOD’s prophet and they are missing His word. And in today’s world people stop wasting their lives away on religion when they fear there is no God. Fear knows no limits it reaches into us all, even if we think we are free of it or immune to it that fear reaches out to strike terror into our minds and hearts and all the more into those who do not accept it. Do we not believe Benedict Arnold feared for his life and for losing all worldly things when he betrayed the colonies. Can we imagine one mans fear almost changed history, almost brought down the worlds mightiest country of today. Fear will often also unite us and bring us closer together where we think that together we may undo our dread of the outside world that we see so much meaninglessness and emptiness in. We feel the same horrors the same hates, these things put us together in groups where we feel like we can fight the fear. We are mistaken though our unity only brings the fear together unifying it also, and we would believe that we can have no fear that these bands of humans in similar predicaments can not be wrong we would build these up into organizations with laws and doctrines just so that we would feel better but the fear never went away the fear is what was in charge the entire time the laws enforce the fear and the doctrines make you admit to a distorted version of the fear you have been trying to avoid but still with all these efforts the fear remains. Are we so damned? Is there not hope? May you be reminded of a great hero, Martin Luther King Jr., he lived as a man with a goal, a mission of faith and justice. Mr. King knew the path before him was dangerous. He was speaking out against hundreds of years of society, but he knew he could not let his dream be withered away by oppression, any man fears for his life but this man knew that there was something much more important, something so important that he could not let his own fears get in his way. Can we imagine one man, getting past his fears can rid an entire nation of so much fear and hate. Then again there are the fears that with the help of will power, determination and perseverance may be overcome, these are fears less serious but yet still dangerous to us. These are the fears we experience in day to day life all of these smaller fears are based upon a principal fear, that of being wrong. Conformation is a category of the fear of being wrong, we feel as though if we are not like people then maybe we are not people just creatures here to suffer misery while watching the unity of the rest of the world. But, if we were to look at it this way that in nonconformation we elevate ourselves to a level transcending the people around us, for they do not have the control over there lives, fate and luck decide the entire course of their lives, whereas the nonconformist have control over their fate, they see what they are, and become something that only the hand of GOD himself can confuse. We must be able to have independence, but we cannot cut ourselves away from reality, we must love everyone, and accept everything, good or bad, until fearlessness prevails and change may evolve our world into peace. We are children, we learn to walk, we have grown now in our knowledge let us stand up straight. We must be able to stand on top of small fears how else are we to gain the confidence and trust needed to stand against the greater fears. We must not let the evil in these fears twist us into miserable beings we must not let fear throw us to the pit we must have our identity we must overcome the urge to back down and to sit down when we are challenged we are who we are not more not less will we not stand for this. We are who we were, but can we now become brighter in spirit and mind and heart will we stand for this. The first step in seeing how to rid ourselves of the burden of our fears is to look at the future where may we go where do we want go what can we make of ourselves and others. There is a place, without fear without the hate and the violence, where every soul is unique but they also believe in the same philosophy that holds this world together that all of this world is wonderful a perfection of respect so complete and so full of life. In this place one could be witnessed in the presence of everyone they have ever seen in their whole life and say to themself ‘I love everyone of these humans’ and any of those people could same the same about everyone and anyone else. Complete respect is a difficult thing to achieve so is any other form of peace. There are two ways to have this kind of respect, one is to get over your problems that you have with anything that is not wrong or bad, the other is to rid the world of those things that people have the right to dislike, the sins and corruption that have come from a fearing world must be eliminated for no fearless world can consist of the products of fear. Now in the course of humanity a fork is in the road, history will be changed forever, changed more than is by the course of a war, more than is by the freedom of a race of man. There is another, far likelier option than a wonderful world, to come is the fall of our world, to the fear where we are turned on our brother to hate and to fear and to murder one another where we are empty and every contemptible life is lived without hope, where we would be born miserably live miserably and die miserably. We would lead ourselves to a world of only fear. Fear would bring our fall and the unforgiving fear, it would break us all. In these days that the world is in now we must ask ourselves if we are true. We can not fear being wrong but we must keep to the path that leads us to where we intend to go. When someone is criticized for being wrong they should not argue and confuse the truth they should feel ashamed and they should admit to their mistakes. Lies lead to lies that we believe in we end up forgetting the truth we dive into our own world where we live dreams that we cannot distinguish from reality or these dreams may lead us to a fear of reality. Life is here we all live it there is no escape only exceptance will bring about peace within ourselves. If we except it though and not respect it if we were to try to break the world it will break us and throw us away into the dreamworlds were we cannot be alive but not quite dead just sitting there in misery waiting for an ending. We have the control to start a change of the world but all our hopes rest upon that change coming before it is to late. This change will only need to be started by a few fearless souls someone must go into the world and forsake all of their worldly ways so they can start a chainreaction that will set the earth afire with righteousness and destroy the secular conformity that brings misery and weld the world into the most wonderful of places. We have but a pitifully small hope for the continuation of our perception of existence. Life will change, that is inevitable. The way it will change is not predestined. Let us confront the fear and seek out the cowards, so as to save our future world, and to keep us all from falling into the fiery abyss of Hell.


Down we have fallen into the pain and fear of this world. Evil has begotten evil, fear breeds from injustice, and distrust arises from the lies of the cruel. So many of us chose solitude to comfort our lack of trust, we would feel sheltered if we don’t belive what we cannot see, but only misery can fill a life so alone. Somthing more in life is needed. To follow leaders and crowds, in human ignorance, satisfiys us with the appearance of companionships and seems often as a purpose to direct our attention and avoid the meaninglessness so many often feel in life. Our world everyday tempts people into these false securities that lead us astray from truth and true peace within our minds and our lives and our world. For is that not what our purpose and motivation in being is, happiness through self-intrest and absense of stresses. Even those who say that they do not find happiness in selfishness if it makes you happy to share then this too is self intrest you share because it makes you feel better about yourself. One day it will all be over, all the worries gone as we rejoice and morn in our end of mortality, then we will wonder what happend to us, regret we will the time wasted fearing that great question. As we leave the terrestial we will relize the importance of that question and then we will see clearly what will then be an alternate present but now only a vaugly possible future for this world. Without trust, through terror of our hearts and minds will swallow us alive and burn us to death. On the day when blood rains down from above all who have lost trust will perish. At that time the world will turn to the others who have spoken and proclaimed the truth of life, the world will finaly see the lights that have always lit the path that will save us. And in those final hours of our world we will all cry; some with the happines that they trusted the light and some with the hatred of the time when they worshiped the dark. This dark is the apathy of our hearts and minds, it is the numbness we have forced ourselves to feel, it is the fear that takes us over and creates hate within our soul, it is the lack of trust in our selves and in our interaction with our world. This darkness is the night that engulfs all human kind with maybe not death but certainly a lack of life, it is the destruction of all we see and all we feel and all we know. Without a change from this state of the world’s mind slowly without notice by many the worlkd will sink to an anarchy in hate and injustice. There are better things to come, perhaps. If only we could influnce the world to trust one another to belive in this place and to have hope in somthing better than the war of hatred all around us, we could find a place without problems, a place without fear, a place without dout, disgrace, and dihonor. Many of the first thoughts to pass a readers mind when this essay is thusfar read are thoughts of dout, calling this place an impossible utopia, but as with all the men that ever dreamed of such places of perfection, the dream is only a goal, but it is the path that we lead to that goal that determines who and what we are, the real truth is that we only have purposes and the goal we can try to make a part of our purpose, and only through our striving pains will we ever even come within close sight of a goal. Here is a way to explain the struggle, If one person trusts everyone, then does not it seem that he would lead his life in a way that he could hold to the trust of everyone. And so, in our world, it is through trust and respect that trust is bred, but there are so many more things that breed the vice of our world, so trust is somthing we must put a concieous effort into so that we can create a wonderful world. And with trust will slowly come more of the virtue that will make our lives worth the living.

What is More

Existence is perception of self, consciousness, interactions and reactions, it is being, it is everything. Isn’t though, philosphy trying to find the simplest way of undersatnding the most complicated things. Even when existance seems to be all the things here stated, even though it seems so many things as philosophy should make it simpler, it is only two things: pain and bliss. All of our lives we live for the purpose of pain. Pain is the first thing we know and all we learn from is pain, pain is the cause of all things we are. The pain I speak of though is more than what normal understanding of the word is but pain is all and all we discern is pain. Does light not hurt our eyes, and does noise not hurt our ears, and does touch not hurt our bodies, and does odor not hurt our noses, and does bitterness of taste not hurt our tounges? And here if you would belive these things you might ask then why should we go through life only in pain, but there is more please bear the pain of a few more minutes to hear me out. Life is the preparation of our soul. As we expiriance pain our soul grows in its existance. I said that pain is all we discern but there is more than just those things in which our physical self underdstands more than just those wreched perceptions of pain. There is something that we are but we do not exist as, it is somthing that grows and as us, it is our ability to step back from physical existance and is of pure emotion. Our souls are not like anything we can grasp in concept or in form. Our souls are the reward of living and growing, our souls are the other part of all existance our souls are bliss. It is also important to understand that the mind is also something a bit separate what else we might know, our mind is a connection between the physical world and that beyond. Our mind is cappable of both pain and bliss and it is what sorts out everything. Life is the preparation of the soul. Life knows death is coming for death is the departure from all the physical things of the world and the only way it can even slightly be defined as existance is that our soul is left. (Some or more may think these words are talk about ghosts and spirits and those crazy people that scam people by telling them they can talk to the dead please understand what I say is much more meaningful.) In all my expiriance there is one undeniable fact, there is a god. Born and rasied as a Christian it is easy for someone to accuse me of being brainwashed, but the truth is some thing amazing. For a periood in my youth, like many humans, I did not belive in anything, I didn’t care, I was alive, I existed, thats all I knew about philosophy, thats all I cared to know. As I grew I heard the words of a man that told of truth beyond what we percieve. These words opened my eyes and ears to everything and I listened I could feel that there was somthing more but I could not grasp it much less explain it, but it was my only reson for living to find the truth of all things. Until one day it all became clear to me. I was shown the Hope of existance and also the Miserable end that we must all fear and everything else under God’s creation that I must know. It is much easier for someone who has senced bliss in every way to belive in somthing more but it is my hope to spread the light of truth. One thing that we must relize is that all religions are about the truth, someone was enlightened or had a vision or became a prophet becuase their mind opened to their soul more than anyone else and as they found somthing more than the pain of life they passed all they felt on to the rest of the world. There is a god, it is the most important thing in our intire life to find God on our own, for it is easier to have faith in God that you know than God who our ancestors knew even though it is the same god, and once complete faith in the bliss we may know after death is acheived all fear in life can be thrown away and only then will we be able to achieve the peace on earth that we have always prayed for.

What is happening to our world. The pain of the sins we witness bring tears to our eyes yet we are silent. How can we let these wrongs go on while we suffer such aggony. We must only except the world how it is, just as long as it takes to change it. We all have the ability to change the world. Every single person with the breath of life and the wisdom that can be learned from everything around them has control over their fate. This wisdom is a powerful weapon over the wickedness that inhabits all that surrounds us.