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MicheLe's Page

MicheLe's Page

Hey everyone,

Its hard to keep up with you all; I've been busy and I'm sure you have been, as well. I thought I'd put this page up really quick to let you know what is going on in my life, and so you can let me know what is going on in yours!

As many of you know, I graduated from East Carolina University in May 2002 with majors in English and Philosophy. In the fall of 2002 I began my 1st year of Law School at Campbell University, which is located south of Raleigh, North Carolina. I am currently completing my legal clerkship for the summer in the Legal Department at GlaxoSmithKline, a pharmaceutical company.

This coming year brings lots of exciting changes. I was accepted at a transfer student to Wake Forest Law School in Winston-Salem, NC, and Mark obtained his marketing job with Cornerstone America as he had been hoping. I will be moving late in August to begin my second year of school.

Cheryl (the best 'lil sister in the world!) will be close to me starting this August when she begins her freshman year at North Carolina State University. As much as I love her, however, I will have to cheer for ECU during the NCSU v. ECU games coming up. If anything it should make for an interesting football season, and during basketball season I'll be cheering for WFU, without a doubt! Oh well, I suppose we can find some common ground at Arden B*, Bebe, and California Pizza Kitchen.

Lastly, I want to mention Vid, Laura, and Missy, with whom I have kept close contact throughout the years. Vid will be completing her Masters in Economics at Tufts University this December, and hopefully will move farther south so she can be closer to me and her boyfriend, Tanai, who recently graduated and will be taking a job in healthcare consulting in Washington, D.C. Vid came to visit me this past 4th of July, so be sure to check out the pics to see what we've been up to. Between dancing at strip clubs, taking infamous "boobie" shots, and eating at Miami Subs at 2:30am, we've managed to keep things interesting!

Laura is in Ohio right now but she will be moving to Washington -- as in the state of Washington -- this coming fall. I don't get to see her as often between her travels, but I'm so glad we've been able to keep up with each other's lives as well as we have. Missy got married this May and is living in upstate New York with her new husband. We all wish them the best of luck for the future, and we're so glad to see them both so happy!

If I left anyone out, e-mail me and let me know what you've been up to so I can add you . . . I promise! Well, here are some recent pictures for you to look at if you get bored, and be sure to sign my guestbook before you leave. I'd love to hear from you.

Mark and me!

Vid, Mark, and me at Bogarts, a bar in Raleigh, over the 4th of July