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Age: 21

Sex: Female

Status: Still pimpin' and lovin' it.


Sign: Virgo

Fayetteville, North Carolina


Job: Inventory Specialist

WHAT I DO: If i'm not at work i'm on the computer or playing pool somewhere.

What's up everyone. My name is Mica,to tell you a little about myself: I am 5'8",very short black hair, brown eyes, three tattoos, normal piercings (5 holes in my ears), I like cool ass people, 'cuz I'm like that, I love to hang out, I like to have fun and enjoy myself. I am super sweet, especially to my lady (if I had one). I also don't like games so don't come to me with any. Thanks for visiting my page.

Hey, don't forget to sign my guestbook. Especially all you cool ass lesbians or bisexuals out there. Let me know I am not alone in this big gay world. You straight people can sign too, hahahahaha.

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