Webrain10rainbow Rainbow Dreams
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Most of us, at one time or another, have chased after rainbows, looking for pots of gold; that is, we day-dreamed about fame, fortune, and magical escapes from humdrum reality.

In Rudyard Kipling's poem, "If," he stated, "If you can dream--and not make dreams your master . . . " You see, he knew what he was talking about, because he probably suspected, what we already knew, that dreaming about success or excellence can take on an obsessive quality, and yet, some of us are lucky enough to be able to see these dreams, of opportunities and riches, these "pots of gold," for what they are, and keep them in perspective.

As with Rudyard Kipling, as long as we can dream, and not "make dreams our master," we can run to dreams of glory or from dreams of fears and nightmares, and yet, we still don't have to lose complete sight of dreams, in general. In a dream, we can be empowered, and the world can be perfectly loving. In a dream, without having to get out of easy chair or bed, we can effortlessly and painlessly, enjoy our fondest wishes and fantasies.

Yes, wishes and fantasies are the stuff, that dreams are made of. And that's what keeps us going, after all – our striving to catch even a glimpse, whenever we can, of what beautiful freedom – what beautiful love, we might be looking for . . . . somewhere, over the elusive rainbows . . . . . of our rainbow dreams.

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