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                             Newnan Youth Group


We are proud to introduce you to the Newnan Church of Christ Youth Group web site. We hope that God will touch your heart as much as He has ours.



Bible verses for the Month

Monday- Job 8:21
Tuesday- Matthew 23:17-19

Wednesday- Matthew 27:40-42

Thursday- Matthew 26:23-24

Friday- Matthew 24:2





Joke of the Month

Q. Who is the greatest babysitter mentioned in the Bible?

A. David. He rocked Goliath into a very deep sleep.



If you would like to know more about the Newnan Church of Christ please feel free to call the church building or visit:



Words of Wisdom and Encouragement

In life God gives us hi hand. Wheather we use it or not is up to us. All receive God's help when they are seecking it. God is always waiting and ready for us to ask for it. God sent a man to die for our sins, but how many of us would do the same. We only have one life to live and now is the time to live it. In Matthew many times Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is near. Well, are we ready for when it comes? We have to always be ready for God, and to take up our cross and live a better life with god. Earth is but a cornerstone, a mild Glimpse of how great heaven is. A time will come when Jesus will call his children. I am ready for all the struggles God will send to me. These struggles will make me a better christian. God has always answered my prayers and has truly blessed me and i can only hope that he will do the same for you.

                                                    - Danielle Ricker





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