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Baby Faces

How To Live A Happier Life

*Next time you wake up, instead of dreading the day ahead, expect a day filled with smiles and beauty!

*When you are eating, really slow down and TASTE every bite of what you are eating! It's GOOD!

*On your way to school/work, look out the windows and notice people, wonder to yourself how their life is, are they happy, or sad?

*Wiggle your toes when you are bored. Be happy that you have toes to wiggle!

*Smile at everyone you meet. It is a proven fact that people respond to the look you are wearing on your face.

*Be polite, say please and thank you. Even the girl taking your order at McDonald's has feelings, be nice to her.

*Never underestimate yourself, you are always growing and learning, just because you failed at something in the past, doesn't mean you can't get it right this time around!

*Stop complaining about your life. When you do that, you are taking for granted all the joys and freedoms you have. Remember those who have less.

*Tell everyone who is important to you how you feel about them. You never know when they might be gone forever. Do you really want to spend your days regretting that you never told them?

*And last, but never least, remember that life is about love. So give it and it will be given to you.


I don’t remember your face,
But I could pick you out of a crowd
I don’t remember the place,
But I’m sure we stood proud
I don’t remember the voice,
But my memory seems to recall
I don’t remember you,
But somehow I remember it all

-Lauren Matich

The Way She Is

She is saddened by her fears
Slitting her wrists & hiding her tears.
She’s trying to be perfect, just for you.
But yet…
She’s too fat, too skinny,
Too tall, too short,
Too pretty, too ugly,
Too athletic, too girly,
Too dumb, too smart.
She’s nowhere near perfect.
She’s everything you don’t want her to be.
She needs you,
She hates you.
She’s your daughter.
Just love her…
The way she is.

-Mindi (thas mee!)

no words,
no talk,
we’ll go dreamin
no pain,
no hurt
we’ll go dreamin
walk with me,
the futures at heart
here with us
here where we start
we both know
the power of pain
we get back up and start again
theres new hope
no place for tears
leave behind those frozen years
come with me and we’ll go dreamin

- BT - Dreaming

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