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Our Gettaway

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Hey...Thanks for stopping by to check out my website, hope you enjoy it! For the moment, I'm only gonna have the puppies my dear sweet Angel just had only two days ago. When I get my thoughts together, I'll be back to fill the pages with lots of interesting things! So keep checking back to see what I change and add!! This is Angel and her babies; born 03/12/03. She is such a good mom. I got Angel when she was about 5 1/2 weeks old because her owners didn't want her due to her not being "show quality"! Of course, she's show quality to me....then I am partial! lol She's been my baby for almost six years now and I don't know what I would do without her!! Below is a picture of her alone...before the "crew". This is an update on the babies....they are 4 weeks old in this picture! Almost ready for new homes!!! This is the little boy that looks just like his mommy! Solid black with white on his chest! He's actually the "Big Boy" of the crowd!!! This is the only blonde one we got out of the whole crowd! She is so sweet and so of the best temperaments. This is her again....we have to kind of give her a little more attention...dont want her thinking she is too different or an "ugly duckling"! The price for males is 250.00 and 300.00 for females. They have their dewclaws removed and their tails are docked. Before they go to new homes, they will have their first worming and first shots!

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