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Angel Kissez v.Spring Duckies


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Updates And Such

YAY!! I am so proud of my self...this is one of the best websites I have ever made! I am gonna make a "Friends" section soon. you will be able to email me if you have a website/page of any kind and wanna be my friend. Then I will put up a link to your website! Well thas pretty much, ummmm..oh, please email me and tell me what ya think of the website. and I WILL put up the banners. ttyl!!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been so busy! There is so much to do with the website. I promise that in at least two weeks the "YOU" section will be finished! Oh and I almost forgot please,please visit the "cliques" section! I have joined many cool and kute should join them too! :)>

I have made two banners for the site I will put them up soon. I am thinking about creating a dollmaker. Well gotta and put up some links>

Welcome to my website. when i get more time I will add stuff like backgrounds,html help, and much more!