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Howdy!!...Welcome, Have Fun!

Welcome everyone, how are you today? Well I hope. How do I start off? Oh yeah. This is a web site that I put together for YOU! Here is the story, to make it short as possible, as I made this web site I wanted cute stuff to gone on it like, backgrounds and graphics. But I had problems finding them, or ones that I liked. So I am making this web site for people who want to have awsome web page. Anyway, I also am a cartoon doll FANATIC. I love them and stuff so I have some that I will share with you. Last but not least, I have links from the wonderful pages that I got my dolls, graphics and backgrounds. I don’t quite remember all of the pages I visited so if you see any of your creations or have a page like this and want me to link you, email me so I can put you on my link page. -Thank you for visiting come back soon.


The only dolls on this site that I have are in **My Dolls**...! I have also collected dolls from websites that you can take free of charge :o), **Check Links**, Also, I have collected graphics that I have used on other web sites and I want to share with you...I also collected these graphics from websites, **Check Links**. I think I covered everything... !@BUT@!If you use anything off my site, Make sure you link back...Banner is on links page Thanks!! Have fun look around...


UNDER TONS OF CONSRTUCTION...I am in the prosess of building the website right now, there is still a lot you can do. I haven't finished, started, the following web pages:

Collected Dolls
Couple Drag n Drop
Song Page

But they will SOON be up and running. Thanks a lot for visiting!

Hey you guys! I am working on my Picture Album, it's almost done, so check it out!