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Animated Lighthouse Graphic by Mia

Cardinal Graphic by Dee

" Karen is a very understanding and patient person..
I can not say enough about her teaching skills..
No matter how advanced a project is, if you want
to attempt it she is more than willing to take the
time with you to explain every step.. I have asked
her many questions about the computer or a graphic
program and I have to say she has always taken time
to answer and/or find the answer out for me .. So to
me she really has the ability and the desire to help
others with computer problems and hope she can
continue to help others as she has me ..
THANKS Karen... Dee"

Swan Graphic by Grace

"When I was a member of JSC I was very, very
inexperienced in PSP. I have to tell you that Karen
has the patience of Job because I know I surely must
have put a great strain on her patience with the
questions I had every five minutes, and the oh no's,
and how-do-I's. I learned so very much from Karen,
she really does know her stuff, and I'm grateful that
I happened into her and & Mia's group when I did for.
they gave me confidence that I could learn PSP afterall.
Hugs, Grace"

Swans by Martha

"What can I say that would not sound like I'm related
to ya.You are a true friend and a great teacher.You
have the patience of Job. Has that bald spot in your
hair grown back yet? You were an instructor in
the first PSP group that I joined. I can say without
conviction that if it had not been for you, and your
classes I would not have gotten so far with doing
PSP and learning all the plug-ins that I love to work
with.Your own creations and tutorials were what I
aspired to emulate. I want to thank you for being
there all those times I had a really stupid question.
Your Friend, Martha"

Beautiful Framed Graphic by Blaci

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