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We are more than just friends, We are

friends for life... For that is what

we have shared with each other...the best

and the worst of times have all blended

into one beautiful portrait... When I first

met you, I had no idea we would become

best friends and even more... We are

soul mates...for sometimes without a word,

you know what I am thinking... You are

loyal beyond words... Committed to me

and to what I believe in. You are the

essence of what is good in this world...

And you are a source of so much joy...

You are the sum total of the word

"Friend" and even more you are

the one person who knows all

about me and loves me anyway...

So thank you for being my friend,

my soul mate. You water my soul

and help me grow. You are cherished

beyond words.

Thank you for being in my life..

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