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JMW Photography

Welcome to JMW Photography. This site showcases some of my amateur and press photography. All the photos have been shrunk. If you would like a full size version, you may email me at fencingoboist[at]hotmail[dot]com (I don't want bots sending me spam!). All of these photos are my exclusive intellectual property. If you wish to use a photo for personal use such as a desktop wallpaper, etc, that's fine, but for any other purposes, one would be legally required to get permission from me before using the photo. And that ends the legalese. -JW

Note: The site may not look very fancy, but I think it serves it's purpose. After all, it's the content that counts. :-}

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Still Life/Closeup
Press Photos

Animazement 2004
CCR - GSO Meetup Pics

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