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Bruno Mueller (1849-?)

"Bruno Mueller, city treasurer of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, has been identified with the business and civic interests of the city for the past quarter of a century, and belongs to one of the county's old and honored families. He was born in Mishicot township, Manitowoc county, November 7, 1849, and is a son of Henry and Minnie (Heberlein) Mueller, natives of Germany who were married in Milwaukee, whence the former had come alone and the latter with her parents. In 1846 the family came to Manitowoc county, Henry Mueller securing a tract of wild land in Mishicot township, which he cleared from the wilderness and developed into an excellent farm, and he spent his life there being engaged in agricultural pursuits and participating actively in public matters, holding various township offices. He died December 30, 1882, his widow surviving him until 1905, and they had a family of whom three died in infancy, and six of whom are now living. Bruno Mueller received a common-school education, and was reared to the life of an agriculturist, remaining on the home farm until 1885, at which time he sold his farming interests and came to Mishicot village, where he entered the furniture business. He had been a justice of the peace for twelve years, township clerk for six years and chairman of the township board for a like period, and in 1898 he was elected Register of Deeds, an office which he also held for six years. In 1909 he was elected to the office of city treasurer, and in 1911 was again the choice of his fellow citizens for that important position, in which he is now very acceptably serving.

"On November 17, 1877, Mr. Mueller was united in marriage with Miss Minnie Vogt, of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, daughter of Anton Vogt, an early settler of this county, and three children were born to this union, as follows: Henry, who is engaged in the abstract business at Tacoma, Washington; Mrs. Amanda Larson, who resides in Chicago; and Edgar, whose home is in Spokane, Washington. Mr. Mueller is a member of the National Fraternal League, and the United Commercial Travelers."

The above from History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.17-18.


William Mueller (1852-?)

"William Mueller, a successful business man of Mishicot, Wisconsin, where he has been engaged in the furniture and undertaking business for the past thirteen years, was born August 31, 1852, two miles east of the village of Mishicot, in Manitowoc county, a son of Henry and Minnie (Heberlein) Mueller, the former a native of Prussia and the latter of Saxony, Germany. Mr. Mueller's parents were married in Milwaukee, whence Mr. Mueller had come in 1844 or 1845, and having a good education, secured work in a printing office. Some time after his marriage he came to Manitowoc county and secured sixty acres of land in the town of Mishicot, on which he made a comfortable home for his family. He held the office of chairman of the town board for many years also serving as clerk, treasurer and esteemed throughout the town. He and his wife the parents of seven children: Bruno, residing in Manitowoc; William; Emelia, who married Anton Vogt of Manitowoc; Albert, a leading contractor of Tacoma, Washington; Edward, proprietor of the Mueller Cornice & Roofing Company, at Nos. 114 Railroad and 1117 C. streets, Tacoma, Washington; Bertha, who died in 1895; and Hattie, who married Charles Muehlenbruch, of Tacoma, Washington. William Mueller received his education in the schools of the vicinity of his father's farm, and at the age of fourteen years he left home to learn the wagon-makers trade. For five years he was in the employ of F. Bruemmer, of Mishicot, and then went to Milwaukee, where he worked at his trade for thirty-five years at No. 495 Clinton street. In 1882 he returned to Mishicot, where he continued in the same line until 1898, and then purchased his present business of his brother. He handles a complete line of first-class furniture, and has a well appointed and thoroughly modern undertaking department.

"In 1878 Mr. Mueller was married to Miss Josephine Wagner, of Mishicot, who died in 1900, having been the mother of two children: Eleanor, the wife of Dr. W. W. Brown, of Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Laura, who married Henry Schroeder, of New England, North Dakota. Mr. Mueller was married a second time, in 1903 to Miss Minnie Specht, of Mishicot. He is a democrat in politics, and has held a number of town offices. He is also a director in the State Bank of Mishicot, and has been one of the leaders in numerous movements which have advanced the civic, business and social interests of the village."

The above from History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.269-270.