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Heraldic Display

This is a site that I am developing in order to help keep track of all the information I learn and find about one of my passions in the SCA - Heraldic Display.

While searching through the internet I have found numerous sites in many different areas and it is very difficult at times to keep up with them all and I decided that if I was looking for all this information and would like one source, maybe others would too!

If you have information that I could add and would like to pass along - please do!! Otherwise, I hope this collection of information and links will help you out as much as it has helped me.

Asszony Bessenyei Rozsa
Canton of Charlesbury Crossing
Barony of the Sacred Stone
Kingdom of Atlantia
(Monroe, NC, USA)


Resources on the web
My Projects
Heraldic Architecture
Heraldic Artwork
Links to SCA friends' websites
Project Photo Album
