Goodtimes! Goodtimes!

Welcome to the Goodtimes of the Class of 2001. This is our second attempt at a webpage. The other one got shut down because the man was trying to bring the white man down. For legal purposes we have to have a disclaimer before you can enter. If by some miracle of God you're able to enter after reading the disclaimer, I'm sure you'll enjoy the Goodtimes of the Class of 2001.


Anyone who was born between 1679 and 1964, or between 1966 to 2010 is not permitted to enter the following webpage.
Anyone who was born in 1965 or in the backseat of a 73 Nova is not allowed to enter the webpage.
If you are affaliated with any type of institution such as Public school, University, Library, Museum, whore house, or the city of Bangkok you are not permitted to enter.
If you have ever visited, heard of, or can find on a map Bumfucked, Egypt you are not allowed to enter.
If you are a male, female, or a crossdressing transvestite stripper, you are hereforth forbidden to enter the following webpage.
If you can suck your own dick, then you have more important things to do than to enter the following webpage.
If you ignored this disclaimer and you aren't reading it right now, then you to are forbidden to enter the webpage.
If none of the information above excludes you from entering the webpage. Then you are henceforth forbidden to enter the webpage by the freak of nature clause.
So under no circumstances should anyone be able to enter.