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Gray's Creek #18

Fire Facts

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E very day Americans experience the horror of fire.
But most people don't understand fire.
Only when we know the true nature of fire
can we prepare ourselves and our families.
Each year more than 4,500 Americans die
and more than 30,000 are injured in fires,
many of which could be prevented.

Below are some simple facts
that explain the particular characteristics of fire.
We Plan to update this page often with New Fact
and information so Please Check back

There is little time.
In less than 30 seconds a small flame
can get completely out of control and turn
into a major fire.
It only takes minutes for thick black smoke
to fill a house.
In minutes, a house can be engulfed in flames.
Most fires occur in the home when people
are asleep.
If you wake up to a fire,
you won't have time to grab valuables
because fire spreads too quickly
and the smoke is too thick.
There is only time to escape.


Heat is more threatening than flames.
A fire's heat alone can kill.
Room temperatures in a fire can be 100 degrees
at floor level and rise to 600 degrees
at eye level.
Inhaling this super hot air will
scorch your lungs.
This heat can melt clothes to your skin.
In five minutes a room can get so hot
that everything in it ignites at once:
this is called a flashover.

Fire isn't bright, it's pitch black.
Fire starts bright, but quickly produces
black smoke and complete darkness.
If you wake up to a fire you may be blinded,
disoriented, and unable to find your way
around the home you've lived in for years.

Smoke and toxic gases
kill more people than flames do.
Fire uses up the oxygen you need
and produces smoke and poisonous gases that kill.
Breathing even small amounts of smoke and toxic gases
can make you drowsy, disoriented, and
short of breath. The odorless, colorless
fumes can lull you into a deep sleep
before the flames reach your door.
You may not wake up in time to escape.

  • Causes of Fires and Fire Deaths.

  • Who is Most at Risk?

  • What Saves Lives!