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Boredom and Nothing Else To Do

Try These Ideas Out  


Street cuisine
Five-star restaurants are out of the question; you're not even sure you have enough cash on hand to cover a couple of hot dogs. But don't despair: any urbanite worth his waffle iron should be able to catch, clean and prepare a brace of pigeons faster than you can say, "pass the ketchup, honey!" If you live in a rural area, download some tasty roadkill recipes from the net, then suggest a long walk down the state highway.

Poetry readings
Score Sensitive Guy points — and save money at the same time — by taking your date to the local lefty alternative bookstore and enduring an evening's worth of verse about hurt feelings, gender confusion and ungrateful pets. If the featured poet is especially desperate, she'll probably try to bribe the audience with free wine and hors d'oeuvres, which happens to take care of your dinner problem (just in case your girlfriend is allergic to pigeons or armadillos).

Street theatre
Who needs to shell out fifty or sixty bucks for a night out on Broadway? There’s a wealth of diversion to be had, for free, in any medium-to-large town. Stake out your local mime and pretend not to notice as he makes faces behind your back and imitates your strange, gangly walk. Grab a couple of front-row seats at Night Court and listen to perps pleading out misdemeanors. If it's a warm night, sit out on the stoop and listen to the dulcet sounds of squabbling couples from the nearby open windows.  Or create your theater in your garage, a talent show, American Idol style.

The May Sweeps
In a couple of weeks, the TV networks will be scrambling over each others' reality-bared butts in their latest orgy of shameless self-promotion and ratings-grabbing stunts. If you position this event properly to your girlfriend, you'll have her convinced that a couple of catatonic weeks in front of the tube is the entertainment equivalent of a month-long Caribbean cruise. If you're especially persuasive, she may even choose to replenish your supply of beer and pretzels.

 Street cleaning
Spearing and bagging trash in the park may not strike your date as an especially glamorous way to spend the day, but if you explain to her that you're doing it out of concern for the environment, she'll be so impressed (or embarrassed) that she'll willingly pitch in. Just ask the sanitation department to mail your check discreetly afterward, so your significant other doesn't know she's just helped to pay your electric bill.

Athletic Dates

If you and your friends are outdoorsy types and have a flare of being athletic fun. Here are some ideas, that you can enjoy, Do not make it into a competition,  make it  fun  and entertaining.

  • Hiking and nature walks - Local city, state or national parks almost always have hiking and nature trails. Throw some drinks or a lunch in a backpack and have fun.
  • Bike riding - Find a bike path or trail in your area and go for a ride.
  • Roller blading - Go rent a pair of roller blades together and spend the day at it. If you have never roller bladed before, make sure the first date includes taking a class so you can learn how to stop!
  • Tennis
  • Horse back riding
  • Skiing
  • Water skiing
  • Billiards - It's hard to say whether or not billiards is a sport, but they do show it on ESPN. It can be a relaxing and friendly way to spend time together.
  • Exercising regularly - If you are both trying to exercise regularly, try getting together a couple of times a week for walking, riding, jogging, etc.


Here are several other “Classic” get together you might consider. Most of these are fun if you have other friends with you or dates. 
  • Bowling 
  • Getting Ice Cream Together
  • Roller skating
  • Ice skating – If there’s an ice skating ring nearby, in the middle of spring
  • Miniature golf
  • Amusement parks

  • Water parks
  • Concerts
  • Hunting
  • Fishing
  • Making prank calls
  • Twenty Questions
  • Slumber Parties





One way to break the ice with a group of people is to have a small party with a theme at your house. Invite your date as one of the people at the party. As a teenager you will probably have to get your parents involved - if that is comfortable for you it can be fun for your parents too. Most of these ideas work well for parties with 6 to 10 people:

  • Pizza Party - Buy some pre-made pizza crusts, pizza or spaghetti sauce, and toppings (sausage, pepperoni, cheese, mushrooms, etc.) Pair people up and let each person create half of a pizza with whatever toppings they like. Cook the pizzas and then share them among the group. You can then all go to an ice cream place for dessert.
  • Pot luck dinner - The idea behind a pot luck dinner is that everyone brings something. As the host of a small party you would want to make the "main dish" and then have people bring other things like salads, side dishes, desserts, etc. You want to be sure to tell everyone exactly what to bring. If you don't then funny, strange things can happen.
  • Progressive dinner - If you and your friends live close together, then a progressive dinner can be lots of fun. The idea is to go from house to house for each phase of the dinner. At one house you have appetizers, at another the salad, at another the main dish, and so on. You might stop at four to six houses for the full meal. Organizing it can be half the fun.
  • Fondu party - Get a good fondu recipe and have a fondu dinner.
  • Sundae party - Buy several different flavors of ice cream, some toppings (hot fudge, sprinkles, etc.) and let people make their own sundaes. You might use this idea as the dessert for some of the other parties described here.
  • Cook out - Organize a cookout, either in your back yard or at a park. Cook hamburgers and hot dogs, serve chips and potato salad, and make ice cream for dessert if someone has a hand-cranked ice cream churn. Or use a microwave during a cook out, just warm up  TV dinners.? Funny!? Sorry.
  • Video party - Pick up a video or two and invite some people over. Serve snacks and beverages. Or combine a pizza party or a sundae party with a video party. Scary movies are great you can scare your friends.




Here are some other ideas that you can have fun with your friends.

  • Take a Road Trip  - Pick a place an hour or two away and make a day of it. The place might be another city, a historic site, a mountain trail or a nice beach. Be sure you get home on time. I have made day trips to Orlando , Florida ,  visit historic towns, beaches!! And  etc. when  going out with friends Planning the trip can be as much fun as the trip itself.
  • Shopping together - Let's say you are looking for a gift for someone like your mother father or friend. Take your friend along with you to the mall and look for the gift together.
  • Picnic - Plan a picnic at a local park or natural area. Invite some friends along if you want a little less intimacy.
  • Ball game - Get a group together and go to a professional baseball/football/hockey/basketball game. Eat lunch or dinner at the game. This can be a little expensive if you aren't careful, so plan ahead have a picnic instead. Or try going to a minor league game rather than a big league game. Not only is it cheaper, but you can get a lot closer to the players and the field.
  • Star gazing - Get a book on constellations (or invite a friend with a telescope) and watch the stars. This can be especially fun during a meteor shower.
  • Do something neither of you have done before - find an activity neither of you have tried but that you have both thought would be interesting. Figuring out the thing to do that you have in common can be as much fun as the thing itself.
  • Walk on the beach - If you live near the ocean or a large lake, taking a walk on the beach or the shoreline at sunset of in the moonlight can be very romantic. It can also be a lot more contemplative and peaceful. Carry a life jacket incase you fall into the water. If you can swim, good.
  • Visit a park. You can swing together or ride down the slide. If you go in the evening it will be less crowded.
  • Cheer on a mutual friend - If the two of you have a mutual friend who is playing in a game or a concert at school, attend the performance together to cheer your friend on.  “One more time”, “Encore”,  “Can have your autograph?. I make you famous  for 15 seconds.”
  • Go to church together - If you are both religious, take your date to your church and then go to your date's church the next week. “If your name is Grace, you must be Amazing!! “
  • Go to a club event - If one of you is in a club, the other can tag along to see what it is like, make new friends and participate in club activities.  “They have cheerleaders  in for Chess?”
  • Try something spontaneous - Pick a nearby town neither of you have been to before and go explore it to see what you find. Or put a bunch of restaurant names in a hat and pick one. Spontaneous trips are probably not good for the first date, but can be fun if you have been going out for awhile.
  • Poetry reading, book reading - lots of time local authors will have poetry or book-reading sessions at local bookstores. If you like that sort of thing find one in your area.
  • Boat ride - Lots of municipal lakes have boat rentals (canoes, paddle boats, fishing boats, sail boats). Take a picnic lunch, rent a boat and see where you end up.
  • Take photographs together - Get a couple of disposable cameras and go some place to take pictures. Then once the pictures are developed compare how different they are!
  • Look up special events in the paper - The Saturday or Sunday paper in your area will have a list of special events for the weekend. You can find some really interesting things to try that way. Try something different. A little bit of history of your city would not hurt at all.
  • Have a dance - Usually you think of "going to the dance" at School, but what about having your own dance? Get a group of friends together, pick the music and dance.
  • Get a guide book for your city - Go to the library or a bookstore and get a tour book for your city. You will be amazed at all the attractions that are hidden nearby. A guide book may also contain self-guided walking tours that are fun. Or get a guide book for a nearby city and make a day trip there.
  • Berry picking - In the spring or summer go strawberry/blueberry/blackberry picking if available in your area. Apple picking in the fall is another option.
  • Flea market - Go explore a local flea market one Saturday.

Please Becareful and Have Fun!

More ideas will be coming soon…..


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