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Communication Improvement Plan

Richard Barnes



The relationship that I have chosen to identify with is with my girlfriend's mother.  Since


my girlfriend and I separated on 12-17-02, we have wanted to spend some time together.


However, her mother has not allowed for us to spend any time at her place. Tiffany, my


girlfriend, now lives with her mother and has had to devote more time to our newborn


son, Dakota. By being so stiff and close-minded she has caused Tiffany and I to


somewhat drift apart. On the other hand the only definitive reason to better the


relationship may be all for not if Tiffany decides to allow our relationship to fade.



Communications between Deborah, Tiffany's mother, and I have been very limited to this


point due to the fact that their upbringing and lifestyle intimidate me. They come from


rich families and I came from a very poor family. These lifestyles have shown in the


relationship between Tiffany and I. Communications have been somewhat upgraded


since Dakota's arrival. After all they both want me to be a father. I have tried to just start


casual conversations that sometimes are recognized, but Deborah is still short in her





There are several negative aspects of communication prohibiting this relationship to


further itself. First, Deborah is set in her ways. She does not know me that well as of yet


but still acknowledges my connection to her family. Deborah also does not attempt to talk


my direction at all. She does when I notice that she is commenting to something I have


said. Otherwise it is almost as if earning the right to speak to her.



Deborah, I have noticed, is not an outgoing person by nature. However she did raise her


daughter to have good judgement. In my opinion, Deborah should trust in her daughter's


judgement. She should believe that Tiffany has made a good choice in a father. If this is


unacceptable, then she needs to tune in that I am the father of her grandson, and the law


allows visiting rights when support is being paid.



I would like to be able to visit my son freely. Every person abides by a standard of morals


and I believe that our ethics do not differ in a great way. I can accept that Tiffany does


not want to be with me, but I cannot condone the keeping of my child from me. The goal


is to establish a specific line of communication with Deborah and to familiarize her with


my being. The only way I feel like that is going to happen is to earn her trust.



I have already invited her to an upcoming function at my house. I feel that if Deborah can


realize that we are not so different then she may loosen up. I have also tried to talk to


Tiffany about this situation, however I am still getting no results. The procedure must be


slow and precise. I must include Deborah in any possible way so that she can get to know


me better. Our relationship to this point has been yet short, but comfort leads to defense


walls breaking down.



If success occurs then Deborah will allow me to visit her home as long as I have


announced my presence. I am not asking for any miraculous turn-around, but she may be


able to become aware that I am truly a good person. As time allows I hope that Deborah


realizes and has faith in me as a father and a person.