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The Elephant Project For KIDS

The Elephant Project For KIDS!


(Like the Elephant, Kids NEVER forget!)


(Free Computers – Free Software – Free Internet Access!)



                            Introduction: Long before they reach high school, kids in America have access to computers in school.  Many have computer access in their homes.  A small, but vitally important segment does not.  These kids have different labels: “Problem Kids”, “At Risk Kids”,  “Low Income Kids”,  “Foster Kids”.  These kids start out just as motivated, just as ambitious, and just as optimistic as other kids.  Although they may be “computer disadvantaged” at home, some will overcome their circumstances, graduate from high school, go into business, or go to college, and lead very useful, productive lives.  Others will fall by the wayside.  With little money, unstable family circumstances, drug abuse, crime, it is no wonder that many fail.  Adults will fail under similar circumstances.  For every child who fails, society pays a price in increased crime, incarceration, and rehabilitation costs.  While these costs are substantial, the far more important costs are the loss of a child.


                                   It is our wish that, before they have a chance to fail, “The Elephant Project for KIDS!” will make a difference by providing used computers to kids – Free Computers, Free Software, Free Internet Access (and, sometimes, a free lunch).  Each selected child will receive a used computer, on a lease/loan basis.  During the lease period, the parent(s) and child are encouraged to show responsibility for ownership. Upon expiration of the “lease” period, the computer will be considered “earned” and he/she can keep the computer.  Experience has shown that “ownership responsibility” is key, otherwise many computers will be sold or pawned.  Granted, computers are not the total answer, but by having a computer in the home, maybe – just maybe, he/she can maintain his grades and become eligible for traditional assistance to succeed.



What “The Elephant Project for KIDS!” Provides:


Phase I – Hardware/Software/Internet Access


                            The Elephant Project For KIDS!  is a “Franchise Type” business model to obtain used computers, software, and support that provides “turn key” assistance to the school/organization so that the school/organization can focus on helping the student by providing a complete, working computer system without having to meet any school computer criteria, and without having to be in the “computer repair” business.  This model can be replicated in any school, community, city, or state.  Any qualified organization, (school or non-profit), can become a franchisee.




                                   Specifications of the business model follow:


                                   Hardware: source of used computers; collection logistics; repair, refurbishment, and distribution logistics.


                                   Software: source of software; source of upgrades.


                                   Support: computer training; Internet access.



                                   Through this model the child will be provided:


1.      A free, Internet ready, fully functional, used computer (minimum requirements: 133 MHz  Pentium class processor, 16 MB RAM, 3 GB hard drive, 3.5” floppy drive, 4X CD ROM drive, 56 K modem, 16 bit color monitor, mouse, and keyboard);

2.      Free software (minimum requirements: DOS, Windows 98, MS Works, Linux OS [e.g. Mandrake 9.0 or Software602/Open Office]);

3.      Free Internet access;

4.      Free computer  training.


                            Current status of the Elephant Project: 


                            Used Pentium class computers: 50+ AVAILABLE, but no operating system.


                                   Free checkout and repair of the computers: AVAILABLE.


                                   Free computer training for selected kids: AVAILABLE, but very limited.


                                   Microsoft’s Charity discount program: ACCESS AVAILABLE.


                                   Linux operating system/desk top: AVAILABLE


                            Still Needed:


                      Software: Funds are needed to provide software:  MS DOS, Windows 98 or higher, MS Works,  (including Spanish versions).


                                   Internet Access: Funds are needed to purchase Internet access.  ($100.00 will provide free Internet Access for one student for one school year).


                                   Used computers, preferably complete systems.


                                   Collection locations:


                                   Logistical support, both collection and distribution.

                                   Financial support:


                                              Intellectual support: thoughts, ideas, and suggestions:



                                              Why Used Computers?


                                   The Elephant Project For KIDS! becomes the “middle man” to overcome two major problems:


                                   First, many companies are willing to donate used computers, but they generally do not donate directly to computer beginners because they cannot provide technical support if the computer is inoperable or subsequently fails.  Also, these donations may not qualify for  tax deductions.


                                   Second, many non-profit agencies would like to provide computers to their clients, but used computers are not an option because they cannot update old computers and provide the detailed support needed by a beginner.  Their emphasis is on using the computers in support of their own programs, not repairing computers.  Through the Elephant Project For KIDS!, these agencies receive out-of –the-box, working computers.


                                   The Elephant Project For KIDS! becomes the “middle man”. By seeking, collecting, updating, and distributing used computers from donors on a “tax deductible” basis, the donor is relieved of any subsequent cost, follow-up etc.  Old computers are disposed of and the donor receives a tax deduction.


                                   The Elephant Project for KIDS! takes temporary custody of the computers, swaps out defective drives, mother boards, adds drives, modems, software, etc. and delivers an upgraded, working computer  to agencies who can identify qualified, needy recipients.  The Elephant Project does not retain any complete computers except for test purposes. (Non-working computers, however, are retained and used for spare parts to upgrade other computers)


                                   Used computers clearly present significant problems.  They are not state of the art.  They may have reliability problems.  They may not have operating systems installed.  There have very little resale value.  They present hazardous waste problems at landfills.  Yet, they are a valuable resource that can and should be exploited.  Although corporations and government agencies have little use for old computers, they can become an excellent “first computer” for a child and family.  The Elephant Project seeks to prove that older Pentium class computers can be repaired, upgraded, and distributed to needy kids in a cost-effective manner.  When all details are worked out, this “business model” can be replicated in other schools, communities, cities, counties, and states.


       Phase II - Software


                                   The Elephant Project is currently developing a series of web based “templates” that allows the “kid” to select and customize his/her own, personal “home page”. These can be provided through the school as a school/class project.  The teacher can lead the class in “creating” a class or school home page.  Simply by modifying the class home page, the child can further customize his own home page.  Other templates, to be developed, include a “Home Town” module, a game module, a school fund raiser module, etc.  While the Elephant Project will define and direct development of these templates, they will be designed and implemented by kids.  For example, a student assisted his father in creating the cartoon on the title page.  Other kids are currently being trained to offer set-up and technical support to computer recipients (e.g. Junior Help Desks Technicians).


                                   Will you help?  Thanks for your interest.



                                  Dave Hinton, Project Coordinator  



                                   (919) 870-7371








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