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Welcome to my Duck Pond!!

Well hello there!! ….thanx for stopping by!

My name's J.D. and i'm glad you could make it!….come on in, the water's great!


btw…if you'd be so kind as to sign my guest book and give me your opinions, i'd REALLY appreciate it! THANX! (note: in case you couldn't tell….this page is just getting under way…..)

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

ah well… could always drop me an e-mail instead!!! =)


ok….i suppose this is where i'm susposed to start including all those links you came here searching for huh? =) …..well….let's see what i can do shall we?

special thanx to my friends and link's to their pages

more about the duck (everything you needed to know and more!)

various other miscellaneous stuff that you might be interested in

This is dedicated to the one I love



thanx again for stopping by! … back this way anytime….

Sooner or later, this place might actually work!!