Famous Former Military


Don Adams

Nick Adams

Larry Blyden

Hugh Brannum
(Mr. Green Jeans)

Macdonald Carey

Mike Connors

Brian Dennehy

Bradford Dillman

Glenn Ford

James Franciscus

Christopher George

Clu Gulager

Gene Hackman

Sterling Hayden

Louis Hayward

Bob Keeshan

Brian Keith

William Lundigan

George Maharis

Jack Mahoney

Lee Marvin

Steve McQueen

Martin Milner

Hugh O'Brien

James Garner

Pat Paulson

George Peppard

Burt Reynolds
John Russell
Robert Ryan

George C. Scott
Jimmy Shigeta

Bo Svenson

Robert Wagner

Larry Wilcox

Bea Arthur (Maude)

Dan Lauria

John Donald Imus
(Imus In The Morning)*

Drew Carey

Dale Dye

Robert Lee Ermey

Harvey Keitel

Tyrone Power

Adam West

Charles Whitman

Johnathan Winters

Lee Harvey Oswald

Pee Wee Herman

Paul Arizin
Carmen Basilo
Hank Bauer
Patty Berg
Angelo Bertelli
Bernie Bierman
(Football Coach)
Jerry Coleman
Charley Conerly
Alvin Dark
Art Donovan
Elroy Hirsch
Gil Hodges
Eddie LeBaron
Gene "Big Daddy" Lipscomb
Tommy Loughran
Ted Lyons
Ken MacAfee
Walter Mails
William Marshall
Bob Mathias
Thomas Monaghan
(Baseball Team Owner)
Ernie Nevers
Leo Nomellini
Ken Norton
Charles Paddock
Bum Phillips
(Football Coach)
Barney Ross
Wes Santee
Frank Sinkwich
Leon Spinks
Dan Topping
(Baseball Team Owner)
Lee Trevino
Gene Tunney
Bill Veeck
(Baseball Team Owner)
Morton Waldstein
Ray Wietecha
Ted Williams
Billy Mills (Track)
Gold Medal Olympian

Mills Lane
Boxing Referee, Judge
Joseph H. (Jo Jo) White
Michael Anderson
Jim Mora
Rod Carew
(Baseball) @
Richard Steele
(Boxing Referee) @@
Roberto Clemente
Ray Hanson
(College Football Coach)

Art Buchwald Hodding Carter Josephus Daniels, Jr Rowland Evans
Jim Lehrer Earl Wilson Arthur Ochs Sulzberger

Bob Burns
Ed McMahon
Mark Russell
Mark Shields Jonathan Winters Woody Woodbury

Montel Williams

Philip Caputo David Douglas Duncan William Manchester
William Styron Leon Uris Bruce Norton
Herman (Jacob) Mankiewicz John W. Thomason, Jr Earl Nightgale
James Brady Walter H. Anderson

Bob Crosby
Don and Phil Everly
Ray Heatherton
Dick Jergens Buddy Rich John Philip Sousa
Orville R. Burrell
aka "Shaggy"/"Mr. Bombastic" *

James Baker
(Secretary of the Treasury)
David Bell
(Director of the Budget)
Terrell H. Bell
(Director of Education)
Henry Bellmon
(Senator [Oklahoma])
Daniel Brewster
(Senator [Maryland])
Dale Bumpers
(Senator [Arkansas])
Francis Case
(Senator [South Dakota])
John Chaffee
(Senator [Rhode Island],
Secretary of the Navy)
Paul Douglas
(Senator [Illinois]
John East
(Senator [North Carolina]
Robert Finch
(Secretary of Health, Welfare
and Education)
Joseph Foss
(Governor [South Dakota])
Orville Freeman
(Governor [Minnesota],
Secretary of Agriculture)
John Glenn
Senator [Ohio])
Howell Heflin
(Senator [Alabama])
Thomas Holcomb
(Ambassador to the Union
of South Africa)
Edward Katzenbach Jr
(Attorney General)
Mika Mansfield
(Senator [Montana]
Ambassador to Japan)
Joseph McCarthy
(Senator [Wisconsin])
Donald Regan
(Secretary of the Treasury)
Charles Robb
(Governor [Virginia])
James Roosevelt
(Representative [California])
James Sasser
(Senator [Tennessee])
George P. Schultz
(Secretary of State)
George Smathers
(Senator [Florida])
Adlai Stevenson III
(Senator [Illinois])
Stephen Symms
(Senator [Idaho])
Alexander Trowbridge
(Secretary of Commerce)
Jack Hood Vaughn
(Director fo Peace Corps,
Ambassador to Panama)
John Warner
(Senator [Virginia])
James Webb
(Secretary of the Navy)
Pete Wilson
(Senator [California]
Zell Miller
(Governor [Georgia])
Mark Fuhrman
(Retired LAPD)
Eldon Rudd
(Arizona Congressman)
William Janklow
(Governor [South Dakota])
Robert S. Mueller, III
(FBI Director - 4 Sep 01 to present)

F. Lee Bailey
Stephen Bowen Jr
President J. Walter Thompson Inc
Walter Cunningham
Colonel, USMCR
Apollo VII Astronaut
America's second civilian Astronaut
Eric Johnston
Head, Motion Picture Association
of America
Robert Kriendler
Owner, "21" Club, New York City
Fred Lasswell
Creator of comic strip ,Snuffy Smith
Hugh McColl
President of Bank of America
Vincent Sardi
Owner, Sardi's Restaurant,
New York City
George Lutz
Former Owner of Amityville Horror House
John H. Glenn, Jr.
Colonel, USMC (Ret)
Original Project Mercuty 7 Astronaut
Piloted Mercury-Atlas 6 "Friendship 7" spacecraft
Lee Harvey Oswald
Accused John F. Kennedy Assassin
Charles Whitman
The Texas Tower Sniper
Frederick W. Smith
Founder of Federal Express

Oliver North
LtCol USMC (Ret)
Vernon H. Miller
Owner/Operator of Miller Buick
Rockville, MD $
Sandra L Miller
Desert Storm Vet
Mark Hodge


Red Buttons, USAAF
Frank Capra, USAAF
Lee J Cobb, USAAF
Jackie Coogan, USAAF
Joseph Cotten, USAAF
Sasebu "Sabu" Dastigur USAAF
Jim Davis, U.S.C.G.
Norman Fell, USAAF
Larry Forrester, RAF
Clark Gable USAF
George Gobel, USAAF
Walter Grauman, USAAF
Rex Harrison, RAF F
Mitchell Healy, USAF
Van Heflin, USAAF
William Holden, USAAF
Tim Holt, USAAF
Russell Johnson, USAAF
William Keighley, USAAF
Arthur Kennedy, USAAF
George Kennedy, USAAF
Norman Krasna, USAAF
Alan Ladd, USAAF
Harold Livingston, USAAF
Karl Malden, USAAF
Walter Matthau, USAAF
Kevin McCarthy, USAAF
Gary Merrill, USAAF
Ray Milland, USAAF
Cameron Mitchell, USAAF
George Montgomery, USAAF
Clayton Moore USAAF
Barry Nelson, USAAF
Edmond O'Brien, USAAF
Laurence Olivier, RNAS
Jack Palahnuik, USAAF
Sam Peckinpah, USMC
Robert Preston, USAAF
Gene Raymond, USAAF
George Reeves, USAAF
Lowell Rich, USAAF
Ralph Richardson, RNAS
Dale Robertson, USAF
Gene Roddenberry, USAAF
Andy Rooney, Correspondent
Stars & Stripes
Martin Ritt, USAAF PFC
Peter Sellers, RAF Ground Crew
Kent Smith, USAAF
Craig Stevens, USAAF
George Stevens, USAAF
Jimmy Stewart USAF
Ralph Story, USAAF
John Sturges, USAAF
Don Taylor, USAAF
Robert Taylor, USAAF
David Tomlinson, RAF
Jack Warner, USAAF
William Wyler, USAAF
Darryl F Zanuck, USAAF

Eddie Albert US Navy
Robert "Bob" Barker, USN
Harry Belafonte US Navy
Jack Benny US Navy
Yogi Berra US Navy
Humphrey Bogart US Navy
Richard Boone, USN
Ernest Borgnine US Navy
Lenny Bruce US Navy
Raymond Burr US Navy
George Bush US Navy
Jimmy Carter US Navy
William Conrad, USN
Jackie Cooper US Navy
Bill Cosby US Navy
Tony Curtis US Navy
Kirk Douglas US Navy
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. US Navy
Henry Fonda US Navy
Gerald R. Ford US Navy
Glenn Ford US Navy
John Ford, USN
Pat Hingle US Navy
Rock Hudson US Navy
Gene Kelly US Navy
Jack Lemmon US Navy
Harvey Lembeck US Navy
Robert Montgomery US Navy
Paul Newman US Navy
Pat O'Brien US Navy
Don Rickles US Navy
Cliff Robertson, USN
Soupy Sales US Navy
Robert Stack US Navy
Roger Staubach US Navy
Rod Steiger US Navy
Robert Taylor US Navy
Spencer Tracy US Navy
Jesse Ventura US Navy
Mike Wallace US Navy
Dennis Weaver, USN

Desidero A. Arnez, US Army
James Arness US Army
Mel Brooks US Army
Art Carney US Army
Joe DiMaggio US Army
Eugene "Gene" Evans, US Army
Hank Greenberg US Army
Burt Lancaster, US Army
Louis L'Amour US Army
Rocky Marciano US Army
Glenn Miller, US Army
Audie Murphy US Army
Stan Musial US Army
Elvis Presley US Army
Tony Randall US Army
Jackie Robinson US Army
Mickey Rooney, U.S. Army
Pat Sajak US Army
Telly Savalas US Army
Richard B. "Red" Skelton, USArmy
Warren Spahn US Army
Frank Sutton US Army
Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. US Army

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