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Sage Words of (Insulting, Offensive, and Degrading) Advice

CarreauII: I just found a great FAQ.... InocntGothicTree: I just found Jesus! InocntGothicTree: He's in a box CarreauII: Now I'm gonna let the Almighty Batjew handle the other part of your question because he is the "disposing of dead hookers" expert!!

HI, Batjew here. Okay I'm going to assume you don't have a basement with a lime pit, dogs, walk-in freezer, industrial meat grinder or fishing boar with access to the ocean. Your best bet is to bleed them out in the shower (hopefully your shower curtain rod is strong enough that you can tie them up one at a time by their feet), and then use whatever large cutting devices you might have. As long as they're bled out it won't really matter too much, but the cleaner the cuts the better. You don't want too many little hooker bits laying around. Anyways, cut them up into chunks no more than 5-10lbs each. Let me remind you that barring a basement with a drain or lime pit your best place to be doing all of this is still your everyday bathtub. With these chunks in the bathtub, run the water a bit to get any additional gunky hooker fluids out.

NOW! Time for the hefty garbage bags! VERY VERY IMPORTANT: Don't go overboard and stuff too much hooker in any single bag! Go to Costco if you have to and buy the bags in bulk! Be sure to mix and match. ALSO: Batjew Fun Fact! Sprinkle liberal amounts of sawdust and OXICLEAN in the bags to soak up any remains drips! Don't want any extra stinky flesh to draw too much attention after all. OK! You'll probably need to make a few trips but don't worry! You should be able to dump everything before it stinks too bad. Your best bet is dumpsters behind large bookstores! No one suspects heavy bags, and most importantly BUMS DON'T GO DIVING FOR FOOD IN THEM. Consider yourself lucky that it was just some hookers! No one ever looks for hookers and even if someone does they never look very hard.

Love, Luck & Lollipops! Batjew

I would like to thank everyone in the "furry community" who took the time to compare me to a neo-nazi because I don't understand their need for animal porn."

Faith is like a burning star, sometimes it is difficult to hold on to, but it's always easy to see

Faith may be the only thing you have left, Many people say that faith is misplaced, after all Nihilism explains everything, if you don't like it, it doesn't really matter. The ultimate philosophy. Nihilism is the ultimate hypocrisy, I have never meet a proclaimed follower who applies Nihilism to ALL his or her endeavor's, merely it applies to those that he does not wish to face.

Dead leaves and the dirty ground when I know your not around

Some people just aren't meant to be friends. Maybe they have so many things in common they remind each other of their own problems. Maybe that's why opposites attract. Maybe I should stop caring about who reads this crap and just say what I want without disclaimer. Why should my thoughts need a disclaimer? They are my thoughts, if I didn't want people to hear them why do I post them. I'm like a damn philosophical clown. Every speech with a joke to keep it easy on your ears. Freestyle clown philosophy.

What's wrong with a little faith to keep you going. Why do people strive so hard to take other people down with them. Or are they testing those of blind faith. If a single person can make you doubt you beliefs how much faith do you have? Some people will literally die for their beliefs and there is a problem with admitting faith now?

And you open the door and you step inside, now were inside your heart now imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light, that's right your pain is white ball of healing light. I don't think so. This is your life, good to the last drop it doesn't get any better than this, this is your life and it's ending one minute at a time, this isn't a seminar and it isn't a weekend retreat, where you are now you can't even imagine what the bottom will be like, Only after disaster can we be resurrected, only after you have lost everything are we free to do anything. Nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. you are the same decaying organic matter as everything, we are all part of the same compost heap, we are the all singing all dancing crap of the world, your are not your bank account. you are not the clothes you wear, you are not the contents of your wallet, you are not your bowel cancer, Your are not your grande latte, you are not the car you drive, you are not your fucking khakis, you have to give up, you have to realize that someday you will die, until you know that you are useless, I saw may I never be complete, I say may I never be content, I say deliver me from swedish furniture, I say deliver me from clever art, I saw deliver me from clean skin and perfect teeth, I say you have to give up, I say evolve and let the chips fall where they may, this is your life it doesn't get any better than this, You have to give up, I want you to hit me as you can. Welcome to Fight Club, if this is your first night, you have to fight.

Nothing beats freestyle philosophy

I will now accept suggestions as to who I should be

Who would be ignorant enough to harm a butterfly.

Fluttering along without a care in the world, a perfect little thing, so pretty that predator's avoid it, why would you harm a butterfly?

My dream job is to be the head of the Area 51 Zombie Warfare Division

Caine's Rule: The world is classified in relation to the obsession of the viewer.

Buck Dich

Life sucks when your in the middle and doing the right thing. I get forced into a relationship I don't really want. I later break this off at the first convience such as being mercilessly beaten for having fun at expense to no one but myself. I then take GREAT PAINS to avoid hurting this person as I want to after said incident. Then a friend of mine takes interest in said relation only to find that said relation refuses to forget me and my incompatible self and said friend now hates me because despite great effort said relationship refuses to forget me and is hurt by my actions.

Mindless Self Indulgence

There's no more loaded word than faith.

Says she's got another life that I am living in my friend through and through she says there's nothing I can change I always was the one the celebration ends without a sound and the friends their not around and you find your all alone talking to yourself again, you promise it's the end just one night you'll be fine cause in the end the dreams you dream are all you ever were she's getting out of life but I am living in my friend through and through she says it's not that I change I always was the one, and she'll say come on I'd like to buy the world a coke and lie here naked with my girl come on I'd like to buy the world a coke and lie here naked with my girl the lights dim once again someday I'll sleep cause it's all the same to me this tiny voice inside my head keeps me awake come on let's find the cure come on let's die until we live in the end you'll find how high you climbed theres no design to ever bring you down she's getting out of life but I am living in my friend through and through she says it's not that I can change she always was the one and I'll say come on I'd like to buy the world a coke and lie here naked with my girl come on I'd like to buy the world a coke and lie here naked with my girl and she knows and she knows I gotta buy the world a coke and lie here naked with my girl


go go cactus man!

If actions really speak for themselves, why do people have so many words.

I know I have a lot of words because most of the world has been tought to interpret what I do in the wrong way. They think I laugh because I see fault in others, they think I smile when they're feeling down because I'm cruel, they think I say things because it's the right thing not because it's what I really want. What's the state of the world when people doubt kindness and understanding?

Could you whisper in my ear the things you want to feel, I'd give you anything to feel it coming do you wake up on your own and wonder where you are you live with all your faults I want to wake up where you are I won't say anything at all so why don't you slide, yeah we're going to let it slide don't you love the life you kill,

Depth - How can people who judge people by their political party care about people who judge people by the brand of their pants.

Some of the things I say may not be overly clear, some may sound rather shallow, but please have a little faith and think the question through. And if you think your answer makes you better than me, you finally got it.

If you don't overly attach to people on short notice, flirts rock, it's like free love, but cooler and with less hair and pot.

Living a lie sucks.

Lies are such an interesting subject. People live and die by lies, people scorn lies as the source of all evil, all these people frequently lie to themselves. Even with truth being such an elusive concept it's still easy to see people who lie the themselves, can you come to accept the fact that you lie to yourself? I'm not sure if I have but damn do I love doing it sometimes.

Balance is a virtue more should seek and attain. Truth is only good for you if you lie, lies are only good if there is too much truth. Only the calm seek energy, and only the energetic seek peace. And balance can never be the stated goal, it must be to seek energy or lies and truth or peace. No person can attain balance without fixing these problems, you merely become a foolish person seeking balance instead of an answer.

Unfortunately for most problems, you have to seek a means to the answer not the answer itself.

You are not your fucking khakis

Ending things is almost as hard as starting them. And knowing when to quit is truly a virtue.

Many thanks to Azenwrath, Carreau, and, well, myself, for this.