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Absinthe: a strong alcoholic liqueur, green in color and very bitter is taste. Diluted with cold water poured over a spoonful of sugar into a shot of absinthe; solution turns opaque white as the essential oils precipitate out. Some ascribe aphrodesiac and narcotic properties. Illegal in the U.S. because most brands contain artemisia absinthium.

Acid: LSD

Addiction: the condition of having given oneself over to some strong habit.

Alcohol: Potable alcohol is ethyl alcohol; methyl alcohol is poisonous. ‘Moonshine’ (private distillation, illegal when unregulated, untaxed and sold for profit) often has ingredients added to provide ‘kick’ and that may be medically dangerous.
Ethyl alcohol and beverages containing it are regulated, sold and taxed as recreational drugs; regulations differ in various states and communities.
Some individuals have a genetic predisposition to alcohol abuse -- it runs in families; for them it is wise to avoid alcohol altogether.

Alcoholism: Addiction to alcohol.

Amphetamine: (C10H15N). Colorless, volatile liquid (C9H13N in sulfate or phosphate form). Stimulates central nervous system; used to enhance performance. Induces feeling of high energy and loss of appetite. Became popular in U.S. in 1930s when Cocaine was illegal and amphetamines plentiful, legal and inexpensive. See methamphetamine.

Angel dust: PCP

Class of drugs (salt or ester of barbituric acid C4H4O3N2), including barbital and phenobarbital, prescribed as depressant or to induce sleep in the absence of pain. Regular use leads to partial tolerance so increasingly larger doses are needed to produce the same result. Overdose easily fatal.

Bennies: street name for amphetamine

Benzedrine: Trademark for amphetamine

Downer. Family of depressants used (under many well-known trade names such as Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Paxipam, Restoril, Rohypnol, Librium) therapeutically to sedate, produce sleep, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms, and to control severe epileptic seizures. For specifics and discussions of the various benzodiazepines, see the reference a1b2c3.

street name for methamphetamine

Caffeine: Vegetable base stimulant C8H10N 4O2

Cannabis: the hemp known as marijuana -- see 'hemp' and 'marijuana'

Cat: Methcathinone

Chalk: street name for methamphetamine

Chewing tobacco: Leaf of the tobacco plant compacted for use similar to chewing gum. See tobacco.

Chicken feed: street name for methamphetamine

Cigar(ettes): Dried leaves of the tobacco plant rolled and smoked. Cigarettes are small cylinders of shredded leaf wrapped in paper; cigars rolled whole leaf are larger. Inhalation of the smoke has serious side effects if repeated often and is a smoking habit is a major contributor to lung cancer; 'second-hand' smoke is also considered dangerous. Users are usually oblivious to the intense and distasteful odors created on their breath, clothing, hair and in areas where they smoke. See tobacco.

Cocaine: World's most powerful stimulant of natural origin; highly addictive; brief effect (maybe 30 minutes). An alkaloid, a narcotic and local or topical anaesthetic extracted from dried leaves of the coca plant, a bushy shrub native to high altitudes in the Andes Mountains of South America and cultivated in Java and other Asian countries, and in Nigeria; used by the Indians over 5000 years, who chewed leaves for social, medicinal and religious purposes. C17H21NO4. Therapeutically used for local pain relief, generally as a hydrochloride.

Codeine: An alkaloid C18H21O3N(H2O) derived from opium. Used for relief from pain and spasm. Similar to but milder than morphine.
Coke: street name for cocaine
Crack: an extract of cocaine, much more addictive; gives a short term rush of euphoria; said of Crack “... crack addicts who would put down the pipe only long enough to stop puking; some would pimp for their kids or parents to get another hit; plain old Coke never did that.”
In heavy users there may be hallucinations of insects crawling under the skin, followed by severe depression, agitated delirium and toxic paranoia.
While one must take the drug to appreciate the experience, it is at best very imprudent; it is profoundly unwise to allow it into your system. There is one time in life when taking crack is sensible, harmless and both emotionally and intellectually satisfying: at the end of life when there is no hope of recovery, bringing life to a close with a transcendentally orgasmic bang.

Crack Nicotine:
More addictive than crack cocaine; lethal in minute dosage.

Crank: street name for methamphetamine

Crystal (Cristy): street name for methamphetamine

Crystal-meth: street name for methamphetamine

Dexedrine: Trade name for dextroamphetamine, an amphetamine derivative; twice as strong as Benzedrine

Dexies: street name for amphetamine

DMT: n,n-DieMethylTryptamine. Hallucinogenic that is smoked or injected. Injected the high is realized within 10-15 minutes and gone within 60; smoked the high is realizeed within 10 seconds and fully gone within 10 minutes.

DOM: a tryptamine derivative, member of phenethylamine family (mescaline, ecstasy, . . .). A psychedelic slow to take effect and of long duration. Tolerance develops with repetition.

Downer: Benzodiazepine

Drugs: Drugs are chemical compounds that modify the way the body and mind work. Most people think that these biological activities should help or heal sick people or animals. There is, however, no known drug that is not harmful or even poisonous at high doses, and much of the scientific work on drugs has attempted to elucidate the gap between effective and toxic doses.
The term also includes nearly any substance used to produce a 'high.'
It may be a narcotic (used for pain relief and to induce sleep), an intoxicant (affecting the nervous system to cause loss of control), a hallucinogen (causing perception of sights, sounds, etc., not actually present), a stimulant (temporary increase in the activity of some process)

E: alternate designation of Ecstasy

Ecstasy: MDMA; of amphetamine family. Drug of choice at raves; stimulant and hallucinogen; gives a ‘drunk feeling’ without the hangover. There is no evidence it is addictive. When the price of 3-4 pills became too expensive, speed became the cheaper alernative.

Ephedrine: An alkaloid C10H15NO originally derived from the Ephedra plant and used to relieve congestion and asthma and to constrict blood vessels. Over-the-counter substitute for amphetamine.

Gasoline sniffing: high requires sustained exposure and results from depriving brain of oxygen.

Geep: street name for methamphetamine

GHB: Gamma- HydroxyButyrate. Non-addictive. “Date rape drug.” Found naturally in every cell in the human body. A sedative. Illegal in USA.
Effects can be felt 5-20 minutes after taking and last 1-1/2 to 3 hours. Effects are very dose-dependent. Despite its general safety and lack of toxicity, its safe use requires information, preparation, caution and good judgment.
Since its availability is a gray market activity, concerns about quality and purity should be kept in mind.

Glass: street name for methamphetamine

Glue sniffing: high caused by oxygen deprivation of brain; red blood cells have high affinity for solvent so effect outlasts exposure time; leads to brain damage (and death) if sniff time exceeds a very few seconds. (A higher high can be deadly.)

Go-fast: Street name for methamphetamine

Happy Pills: Alternate name for Ecstasy

Hashish: Various preparations of the various hemp plants of the Near East, including India. Smoked, chewed, drunk. Narcotic or intoxicant. Bhang (comparable in potency to marijuana in the U.S.) from uncultivated plants is a pleasant-tasting liquid; Ganja, from tops of cultivated plants, is next most potent; most potent is Charas, scraped as a resin from cultivated plants and compressed for smoking. See also Marijuana

Hemp: a group of plants including cannabis (which has hallucinogenic properties); grown for fiber content. In USA many hemps are prohibited in commercial production because of similarity to cannabis. In Colonial U.S. hemp cultivation was encouraged by Government and in Virginia farmers were required to grow hemp; its cultivation was encouraged during World War II for its fibers. Until recently the long fibers from hemp were the best-known and most widely used textile fibers on Earth; it is still grown as sisal, jute and under other names. See 'marijuana.'

Heroin: Derived from opium. C21H23NO5. A maintenance drug requiring daily dosage; addictive. Illegal in the U.S.

Ice: street name for smokable form of methamphetamine

Inhalants: Intentional breathing of gas or vapors for the purpose of reaching a high. Airplane glue, aerosolized paints, hair spray, cooking oil spray, nail polish remover, liquid correction fluid, room air freshener, aerosolized computer keyboard cleaning spray, . . . The ingredient difluoroethane can even cause cardiac arrest. See Glue sniffing. Lock away from children products, other than medical, that can be used for continuous inhalation.

Veterinary and human anesthetic; its action is to dissociate mind and body, which results in profound hallucinations and sensations of entering another reality.

Load of laundry: street name for methamphetamine

LSD: Not addictive. LySergic acid Diethylamide (an amide of lysergic acid C15H15N2CON(C2H5)2. Hallucinogen of unpredictable psychological effect used in the study of schizophrenia and other mental disorders. Colorless, odorless, slightly bitter taste. Takes effect 30-90 minutes; may last several hours. Dilated pupils, higher body temperature, increased heart rate and blood pressure, sweating, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, dry mouth and tremors. Sensations change much more dramatically than the physical signs.
Street name 'acid.' Added to blotter paper and divided into squares with each square being one dose.

an intoxicant in popularity second to alcohol; dried flowers and leaves of cannabis hemp smoked for euphoric effects.

MDA: Of amphetamine family

MDMA: methylenedioxymethamphetamine; known as Ecstasy (above)

Mescaline: the hallucinogenic ingredient in peyote. C11H17O3N

Meth: street name for methamphetamine

Methamphetamine: Highly addictive, a white crystaline derivative from amphetamine used in the form of its hydrochloride as a drug with stronger stimulating action than amphetamine, about twice as strong as Dexedrine.

Methedrine: trademark for methamphetamine hydrochloride

Morphine: The principle alkaloid of opium. C17H19O3N(H2O). Used for pain relief despite serious side effects such as addiction.

Mushrooms, psilocybin: hallucinogenic

Nicotine: The addictive agent in tobacco

Nitrous oxide: An anesthetic; "laughing gas"

Opiates: Opium, heroin, morphine, codeine and several other alkaloids

Opium: addictive narcotic drug extracted from various poppies cultivated in various parts of the world; contains alkaloids such as morphine, codeine, papaverine; smoked as intoxicant and medically to relieve pain and produce sleep. Acute poisoning presents symptoms not easily distinguished from those produced by alcohol or stroke.

PCP: PhenCyclohexyl Piperidine, developed as a surgical anesthetic; a stimulant in moderate doses but a depressant in larger doses. Pure PCP is a white crystalline powder that dissolves in water. Depending on manufacture it may be tan to brown, from powder to a gummy mess. At low to moderate doses breathing rate, blood pressure and pulse increase, respiration becomes shallow, sweating is profuse; general numbness in extremities and poorer muscular coordination; in psychological effect similar to alcohol. In high doses it may cause nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, drooling, loss of balance and dizziness; it may cause illusions and hallucinations.

Pep pills: street name for amphetamine

Peyote: : A small cactus containing mescaline, a hallucinogen; used by the American Indians in ceremonies. Eaten or used to brew a tea.

PMA: paramethoxyamphetamine; makes body temperature dangerously high

Pot: street name for marijuana

Proof: a measure of potency; see Alcohol

Psilocybin mushrooms: Hallucinogenic

Rave: Musical party, typically teenagers, often extended to daylight; many partiers consume the drug Ecstasy.

Reefer: street name for marijuana cigarette

Salvia: hallucinogen; smoke dried leaves or chew fresh leaves; moderate doses can be lethal.

Scootie: street name for methamphetamine

Shabu: street name for methamphetamine

Shi-shi: street name for methamphetamine

Sildanefil: Generic name for Viagra.

Snuff: Leaf of the tobacco plant in powdered form. See tobacco.

Speed: street name for methamphetamine

Spoosh: street name for methamphetamine

Steroids: Group of compounds including sterols, bile acids, sex hormones, etc., having the ring structure of the sterols, which are solid cyclic unsaturated alcohols such as cholesterol

STP: "SuperTerrificPsychedelic," or "Too Stupid to Puke." See DOM.

Tobacco: Addictive. Leaf of tobacco plant sold as snuff, cigars, cigarettes, and compacted for chewing. Sold and taxed as a recreational drug.

Viagra: Trade name for sildanefil, a sexual stimulant said to be capable of restoring sexual potency of a man by improving ability to achieve and maintain an erection. It should be avoided by persons whose medications or drugs include nitrates (including nitroglycerin) because of the risk of seriously reduced blood pressure.

White crosses: street name for ephedrine

X: Alternate name for Ecstasy

Zip: street name for methamphetamine

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