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Tune In Again.....Same bat time, Same bat place
Friday, January 13, 2006
No Gin 4 me, Makes me emotional.....
Chey's Emotion Icon

Well at least Hassen hasn't bailed out LATELY thats a plus. spent my day off yesterday at the theater w/Hassen and Kurt. I luv my boys! If I didnt have my friends I dunno what Id do. We previewed that new glory something movie about basketball. It was really good. I so got Kurt up at 7 this mornin tho he kept sayin hed go run w/me one mornin and kept on last night so I said Id get him and sure nuff woke his ass up! Haha After work chilled w/my matt had a few drinks, thinkin bout stayin away from the gin coz think that causes a few problems 4 me. Then went to D's house and some drama started. So Me and Kurt jus chilled for a min until Bradley called coz Melissa's clutch went out on the way back from the hanger then Lizzy came and told us fuckin Laura was at the house and was "ok" to chill if we were haha it was like oh hell, had to get evry1 over there & outta our house.

Then drove Jenn & Jamie's drunk asses to get Jeremy coz the Taho wasnt comin out. haha love y'all! Come back she was gone so it got started! Then drove every1 in the taho w/my "Soda" to huddle house fun times fun times. Night ended pretty good. Even got some sleep. Got to bed round 6:30. WooHoo new record. Then woke up to snow. Guess Im gettin my ass hauled to chasers 2morrow tho instead of reflections....damn.

Posted by Cheyenne at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2006 11:24 AM EST
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Chey's Emotion Icon

I'm in a weird mood today. MIGHT have somethin 2 do w/the fact I went TWO WHOLE DAYS w/o any sleep. Thursday got up and around 10:30 went to work til midnight then just couldnt sleep. We got Riq up early and took him to IHOP for breakfast b4 school, I ran my errands and then went to work then I got off at 9:30 and went out but didnt get to bed until 10am. So Wow, that may do it. Haha! But it was a great weekend.

only Im a bit down today. got off at 10 kurt & hassen came over to watch a movie. but I jus been thinkin bout somethings. took one of my drives.

Posted by Cheyenne at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:24 AM EST
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Saturday, January 7, 2006
Nothin bein said
Chey's Emotion Icon

Ok so I hadn't had ANY sleep in 2 days! TWO! And anything that happened last night does not need to be said. Needs to jus stay between the ones there. Only thing imma say is we DID find the truck finally. How are we gonna lose someones truck.

Posted by Cheyenne at 8:28 PM EST
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Hit and Run...Gone Good
Chey's Emotion Icon

Ok so on break La'Tisha and I went out to the car...and some1 had it her! Almost took the freakin bumper off! So after work we had to call the police to get a report. We took lots of pics for insurance

The officer that showed up, wow! He was young and new and OMGsh SOOO cute. So then he put on these WAY too cute glasses to do the report AWWW! So we got to talkin bout like cold case files and stuff. WooHoo! New police officer boyfriend. It's a new thing for me but worth it right. MUAH

Posted by Cheyenne at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, January 5, 2006 2:09 AM EST
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Chey's Emotion Icon

Ok so it's been a while. Haven't written. Been alot goin on. All good tho! Hmmm... Im workin on the site, gonna put up pics from Christmas & NewYrs. Ok, New Years...I had WAY more fun than I should have. We'll all remember, most of the night! I went out we had to play some pool then CLUBBIN!! WOOWOO!! Damn wish we woulda taken the camera in there 2 show off my hottie!!! Cho kelley not Chewy!!! AHHH HAAA! Neways then had to party w/the WHOLE GANG! Do I regret some of the things that happened? HELL NO! Why? Because Im a 19yr old divorced woman! And I know no1 else has ne regrets from the night either. After takin a poll I do belive I won the drinkin award for the night! Coz I was a BALLA BABY! How us country gals do! And how many of YOU have a best friend that will get their drunk ass outta the floor and fix ya a grilled cheeze WITH mayo & katchup at like 7am?!!! Oh I love you guys! But I had to take a 2 day recovery period. And yesterday I so went to the mall in some yoga pants and runnin top to get Justin some outfits. AND DANG did my legs not like the walkin round after all that on newyears eve! Ok enough. Gotta get back to work. :p

Posted by Cheyenne at 8:33 PM EST
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Oh Well
Chey's Emotion Icon

Like John said tonight, "you dont need to bother yourself w/some1 that is lettin his mommy pick his wife."

I seen Clay today. Still a lil confused bout the messages yesterday. He's jus done. So Oh well I guess. Im feelin fine w/it. Right now neway. I think its from all ur prayers so PLEASE Keep them up! But I had SOOOO much fun tonight. Dunno why, I was jus in rare form! Hoppin to c alot more of it tho.

Posted by Cheyenne at 12:01 AM EST
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Monday, December 26, 2005
Chey's Emotion Icon

Ok so the weird guy at work stalkin and stuff. Stays over by me and La'Tisha. Runs over, is all up in my bizz, stays after his shift. It's really freakin all of us out.

Posted by Cheyenne at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:54 AM EST
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
NOT a merry Christmas
Chey's Emotion Icon

This is really hard. Everyone keeps askin if I want the divorce, NO I dont want it. But what the hell can you do? I cant MAKE some1 be with me if they dont wanna be. He lets his parents influence him so freakin much. I just want him to think on his own. I know Ive hurt Clay at times, but look at all the times he's hurt me!!!! How come each time I keep forgivin him and try my best jus to forget and move past it, but he cant? I know it's hard. It's hard for me to. I cant lie, I do not like bein alone. I want love and affection and attention, but only from Clay. I cringe if ne1 else touches me. Im jus so disgusted w/ne1 other than Clay in that sense. Ive been surroundin myself w/ friends 2 help me feel better. Been tryin to make some new 1s too. I jus feel like Im not good enough nemore. I miss him sooo much. Im very thankful to every1 thats been helpin me thru this tho. THANK YOU!

Posted by Cheyenne at 11:15 PM EST
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Chey's Emotion Icon

Ok so Clay went thru my purse yesterday took s.s. cards an all so I made him birng em to me at frikkin work. Then he peeled off and I havent heard from him since. No calls, text, email, yahoo nothin. Then Ingles called me this mornin sayin he was suppose to be at work at 9 and he wasnt so I gave them his parents number. I have no frikkin clue what the hell is goin on with him. I have done nothing but revolve my life around him and for what? What do I get from him? nothing. Not love, not emotional support, no affection, just him ignorin me tellin lies. Great husband right. Burt said he'd take me to court if need be. Guess his family is finally gettin what they've all always wanted. I knew this wouldnt work. Hes fucked up. Cant treat me right. Hes not a good person nemore.

Posted by Cheyenne at 1:47 PM EST
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Sunday, December 18, 2005

Chey's Emotion Icon

Ok so my Papaw Noland's funeral was today. Clay and I stayed up until 5am fighting because his fathers fam Christmas in Tenn. Was today and he wanted to go to that! OMGsh! Can you belive him. He says I only c them once a year. well I dont get to see my papaw again. He's gone no more Chirstmas with him. I needed him with me. I havent seen most of that family in 10yrs. Clay has spent time w/uncles and cousins on that side of the fam in the past few weeks that I still hadnt seen! Plus he knew my grandfather. It was very disrespectful not to go. Not to mention he wasnt there to support me. Im having a very hard time with all of this. Just the way that that part of the family is about showin emotion and the fact that daddy is avoiding me since the wedding and all. I dunno what to do nemore.

Posted by Cheyenne at 12:01 AM EST
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Friday, December 16, 2005
RIP Robert Thomas Noland
Chey's Emotion Icon

My Papaw Noland died this mornin. I feel so bad because I was mad at him. But Im glad he isnt suffering anymore.

Posted by Cheyenne at 12:01 AM EST
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Chey's Emotion Icon

Clay and I have been havin ALOT of problems I just dunno what his deal is. He's so not the same person anymore.

Posted by Cheyenne at 12:01 AM EST
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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Chey's Emotion Icon

My Cort is 19 2day. WooHoo!

eh, work sucked.

Stayed up all night playin games w/Clay. Kicked his but BAAADDDD at monopoly. He won sorry but hardly I was just one space away from winning so... nana nana nana hehe.

Posted by Cheyenne at 12:01 AM EST
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Saturday, December 10, 2005
Yet ANOTHER fun night
Chey's Emotion Icon

Clay and I took Sydney to Chuck E. Cheese today. It was fun. Got my big butt stuck inside the firetruck w/her tho.

But then he was a dick. Kurt blew up my phone to go w/them but they were jus goin to the bar and when Clay is a dick I don wanna jus hang around the bar So.... club like I normally do when he's some tidbits for ya.....

"But I cant move my body like the megahertz girl."

"I dont understand the words that are comin out of the text."

"Is the Jewish boy comin?"

Posted by Cheyenne at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, December 12, 2005 11:37 AM EST
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Friday, December 9, 2005

Chey's Emotion Icon

Ok so Clay was an ASS most of the day. So sissy and I got all pretty and was headin out. We ran all over asheville target, walmart tryin to find a not tacky black belt but ha never did. Then met up w/Clay. Headed over to Tony's had sooooo much fun there! Then went out to the club which didnt seem like much when we got there at a quarter past twelve but got pretty hot like 15 mins later. There was some other stuff gotta leave un said!


here's some of the highlights


"Halla! Halla! Halla! Halla! Halla! Halla!"

"Got us goin to dis under ground club aint even got no coat check!"

"That aint your coat."

"Wasnt there $25 layin here?"

"But What Im tellin you is, this is Wisconsin."

"Both literally AND actually."

"Zip out liner, it can be a SUMMER coat OR a WINTER coat."

"Is your shirt inside out. NO but you looked REAL hard at it."

Posted by Cheyenne at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, December 12, 2005 11:29 AM EST
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
Chey's Emotion Icon

Let's see. My day off. WooHoo. Had fun. Shopped, had dinner w/Hassen and Kurt. Movies w/lil bit of the gang to preview the movie Narnia that comes out tomorrow! I was soooooooo excited to see and it is like the BEST movie EVER! Then Bundled up and went sledin on the ice at 2am w/some of my fav rednecks! Whatta great ending.

Posted by Cheyenne at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Friday, December 9, 2005 6:24 PM EST
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Looks like HITCHED!
Chey's Emotion Icon

Ok so Jame's lips swelled up really bad last night and sissy came runnin into me this mornin yellin that he swelled up bad like hitched. Wow Clay comes home tommorow, hope I got everything together. OH WAIT! I dont! Crud! Pray for me.

Posted by Cheyenne at 11:57 PM EST
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Sunday, December 4, 2005
Hospital Green
Chey's Emotion Icon

Ok so Jennifer made us all think that my sister was practically dead this mornin. Momma and I were so freaked out on the way to the hospital. Jennifer had said the had to do CPR and that sissy didnt have a pulse. So, ok we're thinkin respirators and tubes OMGsh is she gonna make it. Sit in the waitin room they wouldnt tell us nething or let us go back for like 2hrs! THEN!!!! All it was, she fainted OMGsh JUST fainted might be something like hypoglycimia coz she didnt eat. But that's it nothing terminal she was fine cursin wanted to go home. Mad as a hornet coz she had to ride the figgin ambulance there. Wow! Stressful day.

Posted by Cheyenne at 6:25 PM EST
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Saturday, December 3, 2005

Chey's Emotion Icon

Wow! I just get soooo upset. What's w/the lyin come on, really?! Well atleast justin made my day fun :p But Da'Trian really upset me at Dicks. It was real. We worked our butst off to make sure we had the perfect wedding for Clay and myself and I dont care what neone else says we didnt want nemore. Just us in the tux and wedding gown in a littl church with my best friend. It was perfect for us. BLow it out ur bunghole if it's not the wedding you want coz it wasnt urs. Like Justin said, Da'Trian is just upset he didnt marry me. And he STILL has it in his head that its gonna happen look here buddy, it's not.

Posted by Cheyenne at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, December 4, 2005 7:11 PM EST
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Thursday, December 1, 2005

Chey's Emotion Icon

I think it's just stress I really do.

Posted by Cheyenne at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, December 4, 2005 7:09 PM EST
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